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Staff member
1st Gen Owner
V6 Engine
2 wheel drive
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
Kailua-Oahu, Hawaii
What engine do you have?
V6 engine
What year is your Sport Trac?
What Generation is your Sport Trac?
1st Gen Owner
Hate to sound illiterate regarding this.

Any possible way of viewing my previous posts/replies?

Was astounded to see my count at a 1398 total.

Learned big time from you guys, thanks. Just curious.

(Still clueless) LOL
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Steve, on the search page. Put the authors name or alias in the box. check the box, author. set the days. It will also pull up the post you responded to. I hope that is what you meant.
Hello Eddie, hope all is well. Gotta blame you for playing this "retro" music loaded on my HD.

Timeless, I must say. Haven't heard some of this music in years, seriously.

I'll follow your instructions to track some old posts.

Oh man, this should be funny, if not embarassing, for myself. LOL

(Just double clicked The Mamas & Papas) Yeah, groovy bro. Thanks. :grin:
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