Brett Hartwig
Well-Known Member
OK, let me get your opinion on this. I have been going through my fire dept's Lieutenant promotional process for the last couple months (career dept). Along the way a tentative list was made after the oral, written, and education points. Then for those of us who got them, we were supposed to request veterans points. I did all of this, and hand delivered my discharge paper and request letter to the front counter of the police dept (where the documents were supposed to go). Well, long story short, the police and fire commission is saying they never received my veterans preferance points request, therefore I am ranked at 3 instead of 2, a huge drop. I don't know who dropped the ball, but the documents never made it to where they were supposed to go and now there is going to be a special meeting to decide what to do. My question- if they decide to leave the list the way it is- what recourse do I have. This is beyond belief- I did exactly what I was supposed to do, but because some lazy PD dispatcher did not get the paperwork to the secretary like he said he would, I may suffer. Is there anything else I can do to open their eyes and see what an unfair event has taken place?