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We just put a new radiator in my '01 Sport Trac 2 weeks ago tomorrow, our local Ford dealer wanted over $600 for aq new one, but they didn't have it in stock & it would have taken 3 days to get it. So I asked [even thinking he wouldn't say] where he'd recommend getting one quicker. He recommeded 1-800-Radiator or Radiator Plus here in Nashville. I bought it from Radiator Plus for $138. Mine had blown a 1/2 inch crack in passenger plastic side tank.

FYI: my son & I changed it out in less than a hour, it's quicker to put in new one in than to take the old one out.

And filled w/Zerek G0-5 antifreeze, plus put a new Stant radiator cap on too.

On the road again w/152k miles on it.

Good Luck,

Les C

PS: supposely there are 2 diffreent ones, a 1 inch & a 2 inch, measuring the top from metal flang to metal flang. My '01 took the 2 inch & out of curosity we looked @ the son's '05 ST & his is a 1 inch, the gentleman that sold it to us, said having the correct size only aides in the installation process.
