rear brake calipers, 2 types whats the difference?

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Tyler Colvin

Oct 27, 2009
Reaction score
Calgary, AB
I am replacing the rear disc brake pads on my 2003 ST Adrenaline. The Auto Pro rep tells me that there are 2 diferent sets of pads because I can have 1 of 2 different types of caliper. 1) steel or 2) Red plastic or something (he was a little tought to understand). I have purchased both but am wondering how obvious the diffence is and what to look for.Please send answers asap:banana: as the truck is on stands:banghead: as we speak/type.Thanks in advance, god I love this place.

There are two different types..

One is phelonic (smaller piston on caliper and clip on pad) Non- magnetic.

The other has a larger piston and clip. you can tell by taking a magnet to the piston and if it sticks it's the larger metal kind, if not it's Phelonic.

Much appreciated Jerry, I again wonder at why motor companies feel the need to supply 2 or more parts for a model year. I seen 7 different driver side mirrors available for the drivers side door of a GM car. Maybe we could have gotten these great gas misering v-8's before the crash and bail if they had done R&D instead of complicating the assembley line IMHO.


At one time back in the 1960's through the early 1980's Ford always seemed to have a lot of different parts for the same cars??? I recall that when the went to the electronic ignitions back in the 1970's they had an external box (outside the distributor) that were all the same aluminum box except there the wires came out had a colored plastic gromet....If you were replacing the ignition box, you had to be sure to replace it with one that had the same color gromet and hope that if somone changed it before you that they where aware of the difference and put the proper box on.

Years ago, my oldest daughter had an old Ford EXP and the ignition went out. Testing indicated that the pickup in the distributor was bad so I replaced that, but it still would not start. Further testing indicated the the external electronic ignition box was bad. When I went to the parts store is when I found out about the gromet color. The parts guy looked up the proper one in the book and it turns out the old one was not the proper unit??

That's really bad when they make different parts with such minor visable differences and just add to the confusion..:angry:


At one time back in the 1960's through the early 1980's Ford always seemed to have a lot of different parts for the same cars???

Richard, you are so right about that. Though I prefer Fords. It used to drive me crazy chasing the correct parts.

Even if I laid the part on the counter at ford or other places. Even they were confussed.:banghead:
I wish I took a pic when I did mine a few days ago. One pad was much larger but had the smaller clip to fit into the caliper. I needed the one with the smaller clip and smaller pad. The other one had a smaller pad (which I needed) but had this massive clip. Well it didn't fit and I was in a jam so I used some brake adhesive and had to cut the 3 prong clip off to fit onto the caliper. It was the right pad but wrong mount. I assume the company had some how messed the two up. either or its all good now. Its only temporary until I get the right pads. But they do work mint!