rear brakes grabbing

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Ed Fenwick

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2008
Reaction score
Kea'au, HI
What engine do you have?
V6 engine
What year is your Sport Trac?
What Generation is your Sport Trac?
1st Gen Owner

The first break application of the day, one of the rear breaks will grab. After that, all ok 'till the next day. After a few weeks, the grab moves to a lock up. I went to a local mechanic and he backed off the adjuster. 3 months later (less than 1000 miles) it started again. Mechanic did that same repair and could find nothing out of order.

He said that this is typical! What do you think he is missing?

Tks Ed
It is most definetely not typical. There could be many different things causing this from a restricted brake hose to the actual shoes themselves. My first guess is that the shoes aren't right. If the shoes are on correct then there may be a problem with the friction material. You could try a cleaning and then lightly sand the shoes to knock the glaze off of them and see if that helps.
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If he didn't pull the drum you could have a leaky wheel seal that is leaking gear lube on the brake shoes which will cause grabbing. I don't have any idea other than that.
Your profile says you have a 2002. In 02 they had rear drums. I have found though MANY years of this type of issue that you will find you have a defective wheel cylinder. If you remove the drum, I am betting you will see brake dust stuck to one of the wheel cylinder which means there is a MINOR leak.
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I have an '05 with rear disc brakes & was about to post a similar problem with my truck. I've only had the truck a little over a month now but have noticed on 2 different occasions this happening to me recently. When I get to destination I can smell brake linings & both times it's come from the passenger side rear wheel, rim is also pretty hot to touch, drivers side is cool & fine though. Pulled tire off this past weekend to see if anything out of the norm, even pulled rotor off to see E-brake. Everything seemed normal from what I could tell though. Usually only drive the truck on the weekend & just a couple fairly short trips, <30 minutes. But it seems completely random. Both times I was driving to dinner, when I got there it smelled & wheel hot, was cooled down by time I finished dinner. Upon arriving home though they were both completely fine.