Rear Brakes

Ford SportTrac Forum

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Apr 7, 2010
Reaction score
St. Louis, MO
I need to replace my rear brakes in my 2005 Sport Trac. Can someone help give me a detailed step by step plan of attack. Ive always replaced my own front breakes but Ive never replaced rear brakes before.


If you have replaced the front brake pads in the past, the rear should be a snap as the '05 Trac also has disc brakes in the rear.

My '02 has drum rear brakes so I cant give any more info. I am sure others will chime in.

If you can do front disc. You can do rear disc. Just remember the park brake is shoes, inside of the rear rotor top hat. You may have to back the adjustment off some. To get the rotor off. Otherwise all the same tech is involved.