Rear door latches

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Chris H

Sep 19, 2005
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
Hi everyone. I'm a frequent lurker, first time poster. Hope I can make this work...

I opened up the rear door panels of my 2002 in an attempt the diagnose and fix the door latches. Both rear doors have been sprung by impatient kids. I found that there is definitely a missing tooth in the latch mechanism. Has Ford made a suitable replacement for this part?

If I ever drive into a lake I want the boys to be able to get out of the car quickly, you know.

(Where's the spell checker?;)

The rear interior door release handles have been improved, but they are still plastic.

I have had to replace mine on one side and haven't had a problem since.

Mine done in by impatient spouce and children. Let me know what you find out, the last time I checked the parts were about $15 each from Ford. No replacement avaliable from aftermarket. I believe the project section has good DIY instruction.
Hal, did you get your parts from your local dealer, or from Rusty? How much, and how were they improved, if you don't mind me asking?
i went through three of the door handles on my '02. the last set have been in there 2 years. i greased the snot out of the last set before i put it in the door. so far so good. the ford dealer gave me a good deal on them because i ranted and caused a stink that a fr%^$^in' door handle should not break like that...

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