Red Light Cameras

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Gerry Mac

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2006
Reaction score
Winnipeg, MB
Might be a good one to show your kids/ grandkids etc

Think you are always protected at a red light . .here are actual red light videos .. might want to think about these next time .

Gerry Mac

I apologize for any that may find these too graphic.
WOW!! That recreation bus, don't know how he got through. And there had to be the obligatory motorcycle accidents. Some of the wrecks were really brutal. Makes you wonder what people are thinking? Bob :driving:
Also, some where not "Running a Red Light". There were a number of people making left turns who had a Green Light but failed to yield the right of way to oncoming vehicles.

I have noticed in Texas that a lot of the intersections with left turn lanes have traffic lights with left turn arrows that change the arrow color to Amber and Red. Red means you cannot turn. Amber allows you to turn, but warns you that you do not have the right of way and must yeild to oncoming traffic. Green indicates that you have the right of way to make a left turn.

Waco has been putting up a lot of new traffic light cameras to catch people who run red lights. I never knew which lights had cameras unless you take the time to look around for the camera, but now Tom-Tom GPS units have a Red Light Camera warning that signals when you are approaching (about 500 ft) a traffic light equiped with a camera.


I've seen a few intersections in MN that have signs by the red left arrows that say "No turn on Red arrow" How stupid are drivers nowadays where we actually need this sign. Don't we learn that in Drivers Ed? Pretty soon we'll probably have signs that say stop on red light go on green light.:smack:
Cameras are popping up everywhere around Atlanta. The turn arrows have been around Atlanta for a while. I actually like those because they give you a chance to turn without having to worry about oncoming traffic going faster than you anticipated, or the idiots that speed up just so you won't turn in front of them as if it somehow affects their day if you pull onto a road they aren't traveling. :angry: I do not miss Atlanta traffic one bit.

Pretty soon we'll probably have signs that say stop on red light go on green light.

But what about the 25% of our population that can't even read? We need to dumb this down to the most basic level so everyone has equal driving rights.
What did you think of those two fire engines crashing? 'Gee! I have my light and siren on. Why should I slow down at this blind intersection when the signal is red?' Maybe so you wont end up on your side.
Pretty soon we'll probably have signs that say stop on red light go on green light.

...In Spanish. IMO, it's not just that American drivers didn't pay attention in Drivers' Ed, it's that many didn't go to Drivers' Ed...

I've noticed in my area the emergency vehicles go 10+ mph under the speed limit. Shoot, the other day, a weekend with NO real traffic on a 4 lane highway, an ambulance basically brought traffic to a halt by going 35 mph in a 50 mph zone.

All emergency vehicles but the Police, who flagrantly speed, and tailgate cars to coerce them to move if the cops can't get by.

If I ever need to go to the hospital, I'll call 911 and request a police car. Elsewise I'm better off just driving myself.
If I ever need to go to the hospital, I'll call 911 and request a police car

Ditto,:banana:, In my pasadena. The cops will do 50 in a 35, to catch up to a group of cars. Then they hang back waiting for someone to make a mistake. sad
Andy C,

The problem is not so much with the Red/Green turn arrows, it was were they only have a green light with a separate light for the left turn lane. Too many people just see the green light for the traffic going straight and assume they have the right of way to turn left in front of on coming traffic.

Where there were only red and green left turn arrows, it reduced the flow of traffic. with the new blinking amber left turn arrows, it alerts the drivers that it is legal to turn left, but you do not have the right of way and must yield to on-coming traffic. If it were not for these new blinking amber left turn traffic lights they can only turn on a green arrow. With the blinkin amber arrow you can turn if there is no on coming traffic...and that means you do not have to wait at the the light at 2:00am for a green arrow to turn when there is no other traffic around.


Here's an idea...

When a traffic light turns red, cement posts should come up out of the ground blocking the lane. And if you don't park behind the white line the post lifts your car up.

Can't wait for transport pods like the movie Minority Report...
Richard, those signs that I saw were above the seperate controller for a left turn lane so it had the Red, Yellow and Green arrows. I've seen a few with the blinking turn light though.

When I was in Berlin we commented on their lights that go from green - yellow - then to red, but then go red - yellow - green, which gets a lot of people starting to creep out in the intersection early.

I have seen a few of those red-yellow-green traffic lights in a few places in the US too, but it was many years ago.

Having lived in Germany for over 8 years, I don't think they need any encouragement to get moving

BTW, They had cameras on traffic lights in Germany over 40 years ago. I was stationed in Heidelberg in 1968 and they had several traffic lights monitored by cameras. They actually took a series of about 4-5 photos if you went through the light. They show the date, time, clocked your speed, and how long after the light turned red before you triggered the camera. And at night the camera had a flash that would fire to be sure the license plate was clearly visible. Then the owner of the vehicle would get a ticket in the mail, along with a copy of the photos. In Germany, it does not matter who was driving the vehicle, the registered owner gets the ticket.

