Rhino Lining

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Jan 3, 2005
Reaction score
Edmond, OK
Has anybody Rhino lined their ST? I just went by a place called Line-X. They said that they couldn't line the bedding or the exterior (ie the bumpers and bottom panels). Has anyone does this and had success?
There is no need to, the bed is composite and will not rust. I doubt you will find anyone who has done it (there is always someone though), but it would be a waste of money.
Several people have rhino-lined both thier beds and cladding. Go to a different place if you want it done, just because the panels are plastic doesn't mean the stuff won't stick.
This is just a little question concerning application of Rhinoliner.

I've Herculined a trailer and it required that the surface first be prepped with Acetone to clean the surface and loosen any paint, etc. I'll assume that acetone is unnecessary on plastic? I can't see acetone on plastic being beneficial in any way.

Of course, I also assume that the same process that folks use to paint their cladding can be used to Rhino the surfaces.

Someone fill me in for knowledge's sake... :blink:
I'm not worried about the rust. I would like to sustain the look. The cladding after a while changes color or gets stuff on it from the exhaust, plus you have braggin rights.