Richard Pryor Dies at 65

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Josh Langel

Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2002
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Ft. Pierce, FL
Just got home from school and saw that he had passed away this morning...

I wasn't a huge fan of his... but figured someone here had to have been...

I always loved it when he and Gene Wilder paired up. They were a great team.

"That's right, that's right...We Bad, uh huh, we bad" -- "Stir Crazy" (1980)

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George Carlin spoofed on Richard one time in a skit, that they both were always in competition of sorts of who would die first.

George proudfully boasted that he (George) was one up on Richard, 2 to 1, for severe heart attacks.

However Richard was 1 up on George with, "burning yourself up"

....too bad drugs get the good ones.

Richard did more than his share but it was a heart attack that got him, although he'd been very ill with multiple sclerosis for years.

Live On Sunset Strip has been in my Netflix queue for a while already. Makes me laugh till my face hurts. I'm a child of the 70's, so Richard was a big influence.
My fav also was when he and Gene Wilder worked together! Heck of a comedian. I heard the interview his wife gave CNN, last evening. So sad for her and their family and friends.

Richard did more than his share but it was a heart attack that got him, although he'd been very ill with multiple sclerosis for years.

Yeah I know a hear attack killed him and he has MS but dont you think years and years of drugs degrade a persons body?.......I do.
but dont you think years and years of drugs degrade a persons body?.......I do.

I agree, that's what killed Elvis. OTOH, I'm not a doctor but I fail to see how drug abuse will give you MS.
Drugs didn't give him MS but there's no doubt drugs played a big part of his life. He was really good in his prime though. He and George Carlin totaly changed stand-up comedy.
Yes, I will miss what he did and I enjoyed what his gift gave to all of us to enjoy --- BUT ---

He chose the route he took ** drugs **. Yes, he did have MS for several years then died of a heart attact. Do we pity him for having MS and then say "what a pity" then forget ????

I am not a medical person either. but choice = results, no matter the means.

I'm not sure I would thank George Carlin and Richard Pryor for what they brought to comedy. Up to that point, comedy didn't need to have profanity. Now if someone like Bill Cosby or Lily Tomlin tried to break into the scene they would go no where, because the "powers that be" won't take them seriously.

A lot of people miss the subtle difference between a real belly laugh, and a laugh this is the result of something shocking or embarrassing. Today's comedians will take a laugh any way they can get it, even if it embarrases the audience, trashes the President/Goverment, or shocks society. Carlin and Pryor get a lot of credit for taking us down that road, as well as Rodney Dangerfield and a few others.
Nelson -

I agree. Yes a laugh, just for a laugh, a shame.

Bill Cosby's entertainment is the best I have ever heard or seen. No foul mouth. Just talking about life. You could agree or disagree. but you knew what he said was real.
Pryor, took personal experiences and brought them to life. I agree he was great and like most Hollywood figures he got caught up in the life. It was and is sad. Of course I can only speculate Fisrt because I was not there ,Second because I get all my fact s from T.V. and T.V. is never wrong (wink wink) I know I am

One thing is for sure He never tried to be anything he was not meaning if a curse word was neccessary from his point of view then it was said.He too like Cosby was real.He just tyold his stories with a little more sauce can't condemn a man for that. I mean none of us havenever ever said a foul word=) Again he never denied the sex, drugs or the wild lifestyle he openly said he F******* up but he took it all in stride unlike some of these pansy a$$ sports stars who deny their drug abuse. But then again we are all supposed to be blind to it.

Good night Mr.Pryor may the demons that haunted you so in this life be cast off whilst you sleep
I agree with Nelson. Anyone remember the old Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts? Those were comic after comic with belly-aching laughter, and NO profanity.

However, Richard Prior's HBO Special back in the 80s was quite a hoot....
Nelson - I understand your point, but filth was a big part of comedy long before Pryor and Carlin. Check out some old Buddy Hackett or Redd Foxx. I think the blame rests with an ever more permissive society which removed the taboo from humor like that and Carlin and Pryor reaped huge benefits. That said Pryor has always been funnier to me than Carlin. I saw Carlin in Vegas a few years ago and I left thinking he was a bitter, broken down old man. He didn't help himself with a 15 min diatribe ripping the Catholic Church and saying such gems as "F&$^, the Pope!". I am Protestant, but I was deeply offended becasue there was no humor, just vitriol.