Rolled a 300 tonight!

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Chad Withers

Apr 11, 2005
Reaction score
Louisville, KY
Hello everyone.

For those that bowl (and those that don't), I wanted to share my excitement of rolling the second perfect game of my career this evening at a bowling center in Louisville. I had 300, 247, 219 for a 766 series, and didn't win a dime. :rolleyes:

Thanks for letting me share.

Take care.

Chad W.
When I first read that, I understood that you rolled a Chrysler 300.

I dated a girl that rolled her Tempo. It flipped over 6 times. She walked away without a scratch. It was a nice car too. 170,000 miles on it and it ran like new.

Congrats on your second perfect game!!!:D

I hope to get just one perfect game some time in my life. The best I could muster up so faris a 265. Completely choked on the 9th and 10th frames.:(
I suck at bowling. I tend to release way to early and the ball goes backwrds. whent bowling once in high school and threw the ball backwards and made this biker dude drop his pitcher of beer. Thought I was going to get my butt kicked.


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Congrats!!! I used to bowl in leagues several years ago, but I am one of those 160 to 170 average people. I think I've broken 200 only maybe 10 times in my life.

Nice job,,,

My dad worked as a pin setter in his early days. He has bowled sever 300's when he was younger. It is something I have never done, nor expect too... LOL
congrats dude. I used t play in a bowling league (that involved alot of drinking). A guy on my team (name was Phil) bowled a 282 (i think... it was over 280) and then, while drunk, both consecutive 300's. His three game series was over 880!!!.... as a result he won $25,000 from Brunwick bowling (the league sponsor). If anyone bowled a 300 game you got 5k and if you could pull 2 off in a row you got 20k for the second (im sure it was insured). The funny thing was that in the morning he barely remembered it (we went and celebrated.... on his dime of course).

The highest I have ever bowled is a 277 but i average about 170ish.


Normally takes me 3 games to ADD UP to 300 !!!! :lol:
Wow! Sign me up for that league. I will receive a USBC ring, but $5k would be much better.



Chad W.
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Congradulation Chad. Smiles, a little over twenty years ago, I was awarded a great little American Bowling Congress stadium ring with a small diamond in the center. It was for bowling a 300, 289 and a 191. I guess I scared myself so bad on the first two games. But I agree with ya, Chad, 5,000 would be alot better. p.s. I lost the ring 3 years later on a camping trip. Ron