S.Florida Tower Shops

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Albert Basulto

Active Member
Sep 5, 2001
Reaction score
Miramar, FL
This Friday is the last Friday of the month. If the weather is good, I'll be there in the usual place at about 7pm. Down in front of the Michael's a couple of sections down. Next to the Mazda guys.

Am I missing out on something here? I live in south Florida but I have no idea what a "Tower Shop" is. Help me out guys I don't want to miss out.
Its a shopping center where there is a local car show well more of a get together. Its off of University Dr. and I-595.
it's a good drive up, plus who's still going? my trac had a tree fall on it so my front end has a ton of scratches..:*(
I'll be there for sure... Where do you guys meet exactly.. Last time I think we met in 2 different spots.
595 and University Dr. Head south on University make the first or second left. The Tower Shops is a shopping center that has a car show every Friday in it's parking lot. We usually park near a bunch of Mazda's on the Northeast end of the lot. Basically in front of the Michael's store. There is a row of vendors and we are east and North of them. If you are interested, email me and I'll give you my number for very specific details.

Nick maybe we'll caravan up from Miami, anyone else wanna join up?

I'll be there but I'm not going to caravan. I always tend to be late no matter how well I think I planned so I'll meet everyone there.

Last time we kinda got bumped from our normal spot by the vette guys, so we parked one lane/aisle over, which was actually good cause we didn't have to cough up that dollar each to park.
Folks, it's looking like rain, so unless it clears up, I think I'm going to sit this one out. If it clears up in the afternoon, then I'll make my way up there.
Same here. Tower shops is an outdoor thing. If it's pouring it kinda becomes a moot point.


Ed give me a buzz. We're hanging out at my new place Monday if you wanna pass by.
Well it looks like I wont be able to make it this month. Plans with my dad came up.. Hopefully I'll be out there with next month with my new rims and finished interior.
This weather sucks. I guess we'll try again later in Sept. not the last Friday as I am out of toen but just couple of weeks from now.


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