SCT Xcal III: First Impressions!

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Carey Frennier

Well-Known Member
May 15, 2008
Reaction score
Plattsburgh, NY
Just installed the 93 Performance toon from Torrie.

Holy cow. Very nice boost in power. Everything was better. Even the throttle response was way better.

One major drawback so far...the shifting sucks! The shifting isn't taking advantage of the added power at all. It's to slow.

I'll update this thread as I learn more and test other tunes.
Awesome. Just hold out for TCM support and I'll change that too. If you need any other calibration changes email me. I'll cover it

Take care,

Mr. Torrie R. McPhail - (Owner)

Ford/GM/Dodge/Chrysler/Jeep SCT Custom Calibrator

I got mines the other day and I installed the 87 performance tune. What I noticed most with that tune was the improvement in shift quality. Feels like a real performance machine now:cool:The shifts are a lot firmer and it shifts when it should now. Not a huge improvement in HP and toque like I was expecting with that tune though IMO.

I used up whatever 87 octane was in my tank and I just filled it with 92 octane and installed the premium fuel performance tune. Did a burnout on the way out of the service station:cool:

I'm going out to a concert tonight since I have the day off tomorrow so I'll let ya'll know how things went.

Thanks Torrie:D

When do you think we will be able to control the TCM?

That will probably make the biggest difference to me.

But wow, the power is way better.
Sorry to but in, and I'm sure I'm showing my ignorance, but I have to ask . . . TCM?

Can anyone enlighten me please?

Pretty sure that TCM is Traction Control module on the 07 and up STs
I got mine about 2-3 weeks ago and started off using the 89 econo tune, wsn't real impressed with it. Last week changed to 89 perf and like it very very much. As someone said on the site before, this is how Ford should have made the ST in the first place. Very fast response, great shifting and very little input needed on the excel-pedal to get the ST moving. Now all I have to do is control the heavy foot.

And Thank You Torrie!
Thanks Olaf, I knew I'd feel dumb once I got my answer.

The thing I'd really like to understand though is whats the issue with the control for the TCM and the "support" that is needed?

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Anytime you have a new product (such as the 6spd auto trans) it takes a while to get the "Support" out for it. IN other words it takes a bit for those who know what they are doing (Namely SCT) to learn about the product and figure out a way to minipulate it to give us teh adjustability on it.

Give it a little more time and this should be taken care of. Looking forward to getting one of Torries "Magic Box" soon!

Def need to do the Dingo Battery Fix once I get the truck back form teh Dealership (Having the new TCM Program installed....hopefully!?)
It takes a lot of engineering time and money to RE any new device. All of the older ECU controllers that controlled the transmission function remain fully calibrate able. The newer Ford engine controllers control that function only and have a separate trans controller(TCM). Until they give us the ability to adjust it thru the software and hardware we can't alter it. There is no exact given time frame to date.

Take care,

Mr. Torrie R. McPhail - (Owner)

Ford/GM/Dodge/Chrysler/Jeep SCT Custom Calibrator

Thanks for the explanations.

As I am an inexperienced wanna-be modder, I appreciate all the explanation I can get.

The last thing I want to do is make a purchase, do a mod, and back myself into a corner.

If I am understanding correctly, ( in layman's terms) with the gen 2 ST the SCT will obviously enhance performance, mpg and so forth, but currently, as is, create a potential shifting problem due to the last of support/control of the transmission (TCM).

Am I way off track or kinda-sorta close?

So I went out on the town last night using the 92 performance tune. Wow!

Just like the 87 performance tune but 5 times better. I definitely feel the HP and torque with this tune.

On the way home, I was stopped at an intersection next to a 4 door Tacoma. Not sure what he had under the hood, but I could see that he had a dual exhaust coming out the back. It's 2 in the morning so were the only ones on the street at that moment. The braddah behind the wheel looked as if he wanted a little race action, as he was looking at me and revving his engine. I laughed:lol:As the light was about to turn green, I could see that he wanted to get ahead of me cause he was rolling forward before the light had even turned. As soon as the light turned green, I floored that puppy like there was no tomorrow. I left him a whole car length behind me until he made a left turn onto the freeway as I continued straight. That was the highlight of the night:cool:

The concert was alright, went to watch tribal seeds. You can look them up on youtube if you care to. Don't ya'll hate it when all you're doing is dancing with your girl and doing your thing and drunk people keep bumping into you , jabbing their extremities into those oh so tender spots, and stepping all over your shoes?!:angry:

I'm very happy with the 92 performance tune. Put simply, if you want performance you just have to get the tuner, no way around it. You can do all the mods you want to it, but it won't perform to it's full potential without the tuner. The Trac seriously roars now! Torrie removed the rev limiter and OMG! I revved the engine in park shortly after installing the tune and hearing that exhaust note for the first time brought tears to my eyes:lol:

My only problem now is recalibrating my foot cause I'm burning rubber at every intersection and the weird thing is I'm not trying to.........not all the time anyway:D
If I am understanding correctly, ( in layman's terms) with the gen 2 ST the SCT will obviously enhance performance, mpg and so forth, but currently, as is, create a potential shifting problem due to the last of support/control of the transmission (TCM).

Am I way off track or kinda-sorta close?

The transmission shifting issue is from Ford. There is no fix for the gen 2 ST units equiped with the 6 speed automatic...currently.

Once they fix their issues they will revise the TCM and eventually allow the software to be changed by others.

I love the power. Tonight my check engine light came on again.... the SCT couldn't find the DTC code even though the light was on for something..../boggle.

The shifting was really furked up tonight and when it downshifted it was jerky and sounded clunky. Never felt that before.

So I returned it to stock and the dealership will be checking the code tomorrow.
Thanks psycareyo.

In summary, I guess the shifting issue was brought up in this thread and referred to as a "drawback," but is not necessarily a result of the SCT mod.

I just misinterpreted the TCM/shifting issue as a direct result from the mod.

Also, you answered a question of mine regarding the stock settings. I was told you could always set it back to stock settings for dealership maintenance, but I didn't know if there was any truth to what I had heard.

I guess my only question is now, psycareyo, is the shifting issue more noticeable now in your opinion?
"not necessarily a result of the SCT mod."

It's completely unrelated to the SCT Mod.

I drove it around before work this morning in "Stock Mode" and it shifted better and the check engine light was gone.

Noticible decrease in power and throttle response.

I can't wait for Ford to come out with a fix for the 6 speed Metronics/adaptive learned problem. I'm getting really tired of this crap.

psycareyo & HawaiianST:

Have you two had the TSB 08-4-16 programming Installed yet?


Just curious to see how the New TSB Programming would effect the SCT Tunes you are developing if at all?

During the TSB the dealership updates the PCM and TCM calibration using IDS release 52.8 and higher or 53.1

Since the TCM cannot be independently reprogrammed, reprogram the PCM to ensure that engine and transmission calibrations are updated to the latest level simultaneously.
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