Seattle Meet Thanks for Attending

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WXMotorSports DecalsPartsAccs

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2002
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
Thanks for everyone that attended.

5 Sport Tracs

1 Explorer

5 Focus

Great cars & trucks. Turned out to be a beautiful day and everyone won a trophy! And, several bottles of detail products from Meguiars.

Special thanks to all the sponsors and volunteers.

Evergreen Ford


Explorer Express

Speedware Motorsports

Discount Tire

Accutint of Seattle

Proceeds benefitted Seattle Childrens Hospital

Volunteers - thank you for donating your time...







What?! I'm surprised more did not turn out to help the Childrens Hospital, it was a very good cause.

Congrats to the trophy winners!
Yes, I thought we would have more of a turn out as well. A lot of people registered but didn't show up.

Wish you could of made it too Gene because you could of took a lot of photos instead of the ones attending taking the time to post the
Man, that has to be a let down after last year. I know there is a lot of preparation and work to organize one of these events so all though I was not there, thanks for the hard work.

I can't believe 5 tracs compaired to 22 last year. To those who registered and did not show up, tsk, tsk.
Yes, I was surprised as well, especially, the ones that hounded me to put the event on and didn't show up. And, they lived less than 15 miles from the location.

Two of the Tracs showed up from Yakima 180 or so miles away.

Maybe because this year I charged for the event? And, the proceeds benefited a charity.

I don't know...

We had so much product to give out as well. Some took home over 100.00 bucks worth detail product and I'm glad they did. Meguiars was very nice to us this year.

Ok, enough whining. For those that did attend we had a great time and a lot of fun with the trophies and raffle prizes.


First off i want to give a huge thanks to Rob for setting everything up, he did a ton of work to make it happen and he did an awsome job.

I took a bunch of pictures and when i get back on my own computer ill post them for you all to see. Even though we didnt get too many Tracs it was still alot of fun. Lets just hope next year we get a few more tracs to show up.

Those of you that didnt show, you missed out,, hope to see you next year

Thanks again Rob

Thanks Robert for a great meet, even though the turn out was low, it still was nice! the freebies were great . "GM" , AJ got one of your kits from the raffle and he was like a little kid with a new toy. Thank You to all that supported this years meet, I have a feeling that me and my trac won't be together in another year so I think this was the last for me. But you never know.

I had fun last year. Driving down from Canada to attend an event in the States was cool. I will hopefully have a shedule that will allow me to go next year.
Tracnyak, I'm glad he liked it! I need to go get me one, those kits have alot of good stuff in them! Glad you all had fun! :)

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