SFCEd (and other home brewers)

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Jacob Dryer

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2005
Reaction score
Oxnard, CA
Did your Irish Stout turn out? or are you still working on it?

Anyone else working on anything?

I've got my first batch of mead in the works (honey wine) I just put it into secondary fermenting tonight.

I've got a batch of damn devil double IPA in secondary and will be bottling this weekend.

And I'm brewing a ESB tonight.
ipa's are delicious but the last batch we did killed up in hop clean up! gl with that. we just got a british brown ale kit in the mail the other day. but my buddy and i always have conflicting schedules and who knows when we'll finally get started.
I plan to have the ESB and a Pete's Wicked Ale Clone ready for my superbowl party. I keg most of my stuff. I've got a dual 5 gallon setup which works out perfect for homebrews.

I finished my other custom pull the other night.

[Broken External Image]:

The left is an old english J and the the right is an old english(Detroit Tigers) D for my initials.
My first batch is red ale. It is still fermenting. I will try to bottle it this weekend if it's ready. The krausen hasn't disappeared yet. I'm waiting patiently. My next batch will probably be the Sticky Wicket Stout....:smile0004:
I do wine...

Currently have an apple in secondary.

I just bottled a Pinot Noir last week.

I think I am going to try a Malbec next time, it has become my go-to wine.
Hey JD or anyone, does the Krausen disappear completely? Or is it safe to bottle with some krausen still left on top as long as it tastes like flat beer? Mine seems to have stopped dropping. I don't know If I should wait or taste it and continue.
I've got an American Pale Ale, and an Irish Stout running low. On deck I have an ESB just waiting to be kegged. Not sure what I'm going to do next. I have a couple 5 gallon kegs in a full size fridge, but want a set p like Yours JD. Do you all do kits or make your own recipes?? Extract or all grain. I finally have a subject I know something about on this website!!! It certainly ain't vehicles!
I've been making other peoples recipes, I don't feel like I know enough yet to totally venture out on my own. So it's been all extract so far.

SFCEd - it doesn't usually all fall down (at least it hasn't on any of my batches) Make sure fermentation is done though or else it won't taste right. Primary on some beers can take a long time, is the airlock still bubbling?
There's no activity of any kind taking place, as far as I can tell. There's a fair amount of foam floating on the surface but that's it. No bubbles, no particles falling to the bottom or anything else. It's been 2 weeks, I'll taste it today and see if it's ready for bottles.
nice, my ESB is bubbling like crazy right now. I have to wait until it finishes it's primary since I use the same bucket for primary as I do for bottling, but then I will be bottling my Double IPA.
I've been doing other peoples all grain recipes and "tweaking" them a little to try something different(like changing hops, or a slightly different grain). Haven't built my "own" recipe, but I should have one within a couple months. I'd like to recommend a real good book if you really want to get into it: Designing Great Beers by Ray Daniels. Really easy to read and he gives a ton of examples. I need to go a few more chapters in, but so far I'm impressed. Learned a lot about grain bills and hitting target gravity. I'm totally hooked on all grain brewing now.

Beer is good. Drink beer, feel good.

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