I don't believe in buying unnecessary parts, but I have been in situations where I cannot afford to have the vehicle down waiting for parts. I had this situation when I had a blown head gasket on an old Dodge mini-van and my granddaughter was in the hospital in Dallas. I could not locate anyone here in Waco with a rebuilt or good used head since they claimed that most of the ones they seen were I had to order a head gasket and a head...and replaced both, just in case the old head was cracked. When I removed the old head, it was just a blown head gasket, but I put the new head on anyway and kept the old Dodge for another 4-5 years.
My point is that you need to weigh the cost of the pinion yoke and the time you vehicle will be down while the new yoke is on order. If you live without the vehicle until you can get the part, then wait until you can inspect the old yoke. If you cannot live without your vehicle until the new yoke arrives, then you probablly need to order that part to be safe.
The only problem is that there always seems to be some other bad part that you did not expect, or the new part is the wrong part but you don't know until you try to install it:angry: