I have about an 8lb lake trout that I want to smoke on my new Smoke Hollow gas/charcoal/smoker box grill. Anybody know exactly what this process would be?
I used to have an older neighbor who used to smoke wild salmon he caught up north(Michigan & Canada). He was a Dayton Firefighter....a great neighbor & friend. He built a little plywood shack(smokehouse) and would smoke the salmon and Hungarian sausages that he made in it. I think he used apple wood if i remember correctly. My sister and I got out in the middle of the night and painted the smoke house to look like an outhouse...he thought it was funny and left it that way till he died years later.
Google is my cookbook. I have a shelf full of great cookbooks but I usually grab a few different recipes online, choose my favorite parts from each and combine them into my own creation.