Spartacus: Blood and Sand

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Jacob Dryer

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2005
Reaction score
Oxnard, CA
Has anyone else been watching this show? It's on Stars, but it's free to stream on netflix also. I just watched last nights episode and it's officially awesome. I was hooked anyways and enjoyed the whole storyline, but watching this episode made it one of the best series shows I've seen recently.

Hard to compete with swords, blood, scandals, and such..
my wife thinks it awful, and that makes me like it even more. with half the cast killed in the last episode it will be interesting to see where it goes from there. can't wait for the next season. luckly i have ON DEMAND with my cable company so i will supplement with reruns. you are only the second person i've seen that watches and likes the show. i'll get back with you in the new season.:haveabeer:
Never even heard of it. I didn't know Starz/Encore had its own programming. I'm assuming its far better than HBO's

(Though I won't spoil the ending for you :banana: )
I'm watching ep #2 right now. Seems mostly like a 300 rip-off so far, but my 17yo son is really into it, so I think I will catchup on all eps.

So far it is NOT as good as HBO's Rome, from an intelligent storyline front, but is better if you like action and blood.

My wife likes it. I think its ghey. Its almost like soft porn which chicks and young guys would be into. Sorry JD :grin:
I heard it was nothing but Xena Warrior Princess ****ies. For that reason alone I would watch it but alas no Starz or Netflix for me.

[Broken External Image]:
Sigh, any mention of lucy lawless brings back memories of that horrible bait-&-switch in Eurotrip...don't remember much of xena @ all.

(And the whole "A wizard did it" quote)

No starz or netflix for me either. Again, I didn't know that Starz had its own programming, and quite honestly, after crap like HBO's tru blood, I've been scared to go down that dark road again.

(2 seasons to culminate with utter suck...break the ice I can't take anymore)
Second season is indefinitely postponed..

The action is good, there are ****ies just about every episode if not more than once, and the story line is actually good too..
KL I know your kidding about True Blood, right? That is currently my favorite and the most anticipated second season of any show on the air right now. I believe it was the most popular cable show on air during its first season. I'm talking cable, not network. Crap like Dancing with the Stars and Idol win for network every time.
Have been following this one from the beginning. The episode tonight was the season finallie I believe. Interesting to know where it will go from here, as you may know, there actually was a slave revolt led by Spartacus and he dies at the end of the story. I have really enjoyed watching this series, my wife could care less. As shes constantly wanted to know who was who, what they did, etc. I finally told her to shut up, that I wouldn't go back and try to explain it all to her. Now she's all bent out of shape, God, give me a sword! Its been a good show so far, could it have been better? Probably. Now I heard something about the guy who plays Sparticus is sick, leukemia, cancer or something. Just have to wait until the fall to find out. BC
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KL I know your kidding about True Blood, right? That is currently my favorite and the most anticipated second season of any show on the air right now.

The second season already came out long ago, and it is what killed the show. The ending of it was just so, so, so bad. It's like they decided to take inspiration from twilight (puke) to get more viewers.

True Blood took really atrocious source material and made a show that was the last bastion of hope for vampire tales, which had been corrupted by the likes of Anne Rice. However, considering how bad the source material is, it was only a matter of time before True Blood fell, and it did.

The end of TBs second season was a little rushed and the conflict for me too easily resolved.

However, that wasn't enough to kill the show for me. I will watch the 3rd season.

TJR, so you thought that the most powerful Vampire on the planet going suicidal was decent? The whole Church of the Light thing was pointless, as in the end, it was revealed that they were all punks and despite all of their planning, & training they stood no chance against a vampire attack.

...and then they had to pull an Al-Quaida to have any effect.

(Not to mention the 2,000 year old relationship between eric and godrich...did they have to make it so obvious that godrich was a catamite?)

Moreover, you thought that the main villain being declared immortal unless she wanted to die decent?! That was ridiculously absurd, and led to the laughable (and poorly done) cg sequence of Sam morphing into a bull and stabbing her, which led to her finally deciding to die...and after she realized that Sam was not her beloved Dionysus, she arguably could have stayed alive, for she is immortal until she wishes to die.

Oh, and it was said that she, and the other maynads, basically made themselves immortal by their own will.

Finally, the directors sought to denigrate Bill Compton, the only respectable male character, by having him be subdued pathetically and captured.

The whole Marianne nonsense should have been left out, if they had no other way to end it. Its sole purpose was to put orgies in the show, and the value of the orgy did not make up for the value lost by the craptastic plot.


I didn't say I was happy about the ending of the 2nd season or some of its closure, I'm just saying that you and I see movies and shows very differently.

I sit through a 2 hour movie, or a 10 or 12 hours series season run, and if I am entertained (for the most part) along the way, then how the movie or seasons ends isn't a "deal breaker" for me. You've said several times that you don't like the cliched hollywood ending, or the sacrificial hero, etc. Those things seem to kill movies and seasons for you.

For me, not so much. For me, it's not the destination that has to be fulfillng, but moreso the journey.

TJR, the journey was pointless when they announced that the villain could NOT DIE unless the villain herself willed her death.

It became a farce, and then they started employing Deus Ex Machina with elements like Sookie's magical light burst power. Where was the build-up to that?

Many endings I don't agree with, but they alone don't ruin the show/movie for me. A bad ending is just the coup de grace for a show that has been bad/par for its run. I've gotten so used to good things having bad endings that I can let them slide, provided the rest of the show doesn't suck...which was not the case here.

TJR, the ending of the show actually made me slightly more satisfied with the show, as Eggs getting off'd needed to happen, and was probably the only interesting thing to occur. I almost forgot about that.

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