TJR, so you thought that the most powerful Vampire on the planet going suicidal was decent? The whole Church of the Light thing was pointless, as in the end, it was revealed that they were all punks and despite all of their planning, & training they stood no chance against a vampire attack.
...and then they had to pull an Al-Quaida to have any effect.
(Not to mention the 2,000 year old relationship between eric and godrich...did they have to make it so obvious that godrich was a catamite?)
Moreover, you thought that the main villain being declared immortal unless she wanted to die decent?! That was ridiculously absurd, and led to the laughable (and poorly done) cg sequence of Sam morphing into a bull and stabbing her, which led to her finally deciding to die...and after she realized that Sam was not her beloved Dionysus, she arguably could have stayed alive, for she is immortal until she wishes to die.
Oh, and it was said that she, and the other maynads, basically made themselves immortal by their own will.
Finally, the directors sought to denigrate Bill Compton, the only respectable male character, by having him be subdued pathetically and captured.
The whole Marianne nonsense should have been left out, if they had no other way to end it. Its sole purpose was to put orgies in the show, and the value of the orgy did not make up for the value lost by the craptastic plot.