Supercharged SVT Well-Known Member Supporting Member Joined Mar 8, 2011 Messages 661 Reaction score 48 Location , Mar 16, 2012 #1 Pulls Like a dream! Time for a Detail and some fresh stripes - One runs on E85 the other runs on the wind! Doing my part to go green! [Broken External Image]:
Pulls Like a dream! Time for a Detail and some fresh stripes - One runs on E85 the other runs on the wind! Doing my part to go green! [Broken External Image]:
Robert Caffyn Well-Known Member Joined Apr 8, 2008 Messages 2,514 Reaction score 1 Location Forked River, NJ Mar 16, 2012 #2 Wait a minute. I thought Nebraska was all corn fields and cow patties! You actually have water there? Just funnin' ya! Good looking setup. Bob
Wait a minute. I thought Nebraska was all corn fields and cow patties! You actually have water there? Just funnin' ya! Good looking setup. Bob