SprintPCS Service

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WXMotorSports DecalsPartsAccs

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2002
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
Fun experience with their service reps. Trying to discontinue service on the Air Card/Wireless Laptop Card. I use it maybe 15 mins a month and it's become as waste of money. I started the call at 11:25 am PST and still on the phone at 11:50am. Transferred three times to the wrong department. Disconnected twice and now on hold again for another department.
I went through the same thing with Cingular about a year ago. I realized I could just take the sim card out of my phone that had unlimited internet/data and put it into the laptop card. They cannot tell the difference. It eliminated the need to pay for the extra service line for the laptop card. They tried to charge me in full for the laptop card, but I made sure they had a note on my file that I was not being charged for it. It still showed up on my bill and was there for two months. That was only one issue of many that kept me on the phone for hours with their no-customer service every month.
The only way I know will cancel some of these services is to cancel whatever credit card they draw on or close whatever bank account they draft to pay them each month. If you pay them with a check every month, stop sending the checks! They'll eventually get the idea. Send them an e-mail stating your intentions to cover yourself.

I tried for months to get AOL to stop charging me, but AOL never would cancel my account with them until I canceled the card they were charging every month. And then they called to ask for a new credit card number!
LOL Lil-Red. Still on hold. Yes, they have given me 150.00 in credits. Moved the air card to a shared line for 7.00 a month. And, since I've been transferred two more times to the wrong dept I'm getting a free phone. Probably a junk of a phone anyway.
Sprint was my biggest customer back when I worked for Marconi and I can read them like a 1st grade book. lol Still get my 25% discount plus upgrades so i'm still hanging around. Plus their call clarity is better than others by leaps and bounds around here.
When I moved to Poland, I had major problems getting them to shut my account down. I had to fax my orders to them, but they gave me a fax number that was continuously busy. I left the country before I could get through. Eventually, I had to scan the orders and email them, since the fax number never worked.

I will never use Sprint services again. Every time I ever called their customer service I got in an argument with them.
I was satisfied today with them. 150.00 in credit and another phone # for 7.00 a month. Plus, I'm calling them on Thursday for my additional 25% on services since I'm a BMW Club Member.
been there with verizon and their lousy DSL.

credits out the back side and when i finally got tired of the

crappy service last month took me 2 days and about 4 hours of being

on hold to get the service shut off.