Steering column "Collar" Removal

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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2002
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I need help with the defective "left turn signal, brake light, tilt up" debacle that some of us have had. I can only get so far with the bottom of the collar that surrounds the steering column, i.e, it won't come all the way off because of the tilt lever. From what I can do, I have pusshed up on the only "plug" looking contraption that I see, but to no avail as far as it being the culprit. Someone stated that it may have been a TSB issue, but in checking with my dealer here in Dallas, it wasn't on their hit list. If I have to, I will take it to the dealer and have it fixed, but I wanted to know if anyone here has ever fixed theirs, and what procedure/fashion did you use to remove the "collar" from around the column?
Spaceman, are you saying that it will unscrew just by turning it cc? Will I have to use a pair of vise grip pliers or what? Do I unloosen it before I pull off the bottom collar? Questions, questions, but I want to do it right, so thanks!
Just to make sure, the thing giving you the problem is the tilt lever, the lever you pull on to adjust the angle of the steering wheel. Right? If so, it just unscrews from the column. I don't think you need pliers or any gripping tool as it shouldn't be that tight. It's basically a long screw.
The lever even has a flat spot on it to grab it with a wrench.
Thanks guys, I will take it on with that advice! Let you know the results after that. Has anyone ever had this problem and taken it to a dealer for the fix?
Oh BTW, Spaceman, the problem is in the turn signal, where you have to tilt the wheel up to get the signal blinker to work for a left turn
Sorry mrmarvyn, the problem I was referring to, was in removing the collar, not what you were actually trying to solve/fix. Good luck.
Spaceman, wasn't really too clear there myself. Yeah the problem occurs when activating the left turn signal. Seems some people here have had it as an issue. Man, I wish that DORF would put some input in here, as they should follow some of the threads here and offer all these owners an explanation and at least make an effort to learn what tempts buyers to jump ship. Just rambling there ..Oh BTW, shouldn't a horn last longrt than just about anything on a new car? Yeah, minne crapped out a while back! Oh well i'll be giving some feedback on the horn thing later..
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Problems with the multifunction switch (turn signal lever) are prevalent in Ford Products. Sometimes the connector is not seated properly under the shroud (column cover), but mostly it is a defective part. The best thing to do is replace it. Under warranty is obviously the best choice, but even buying it yourself works too. They are extremely easy to replace. Just remove the shroud, disconnect the multifunction switch and install the new one. This switch is used on Explorers, Rangers, etc. Good luck with the change.

Eagle, what does this switch look like? Please describe it and whatever is near it so that I may be able to do it myself. That lever for tilting the wheel has a small flat spot on it, so is this the area to counter clock it to get it off? Much advice was given by others, but I want as much detail as possible...and thanks for your advice too!!!

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