stereo system

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Jan 17, 2006
Reaction score
woburn, MA
Well, the factory 6-cd system in my ''04 s.t.'' is toast. All 6 cd's won't do s!#t.They won't even eject!All that works is the radio. I called my local dealership and it will cost to much to take it & send it out to be repaired and be reinstalled since the factory warranty is now expired.I only have 44k miles on it. I already called a specialty shop and its cheaper to just replace it. Boy, things just don' last! I know I'm getting out of it cheaper,but I liked the factory system and now I can only afford a single cd system.Its just annoying......Sorry..... I had to vent.:angry:

Maybe you can get one that plays mp3 CD's - way better than a CD changer.
For that price you can buy a single cd unit plus a 6 disc cd changer and have money left over I bet. I have a 6 disc unit just sitting at my parents house but I don't trust shipping it cause I don't have the tool to ship with it.
I had my changer hang up a. My son changed to a different cd when the engine got turned off. I took out the fuses for the unit to reset it and it worked fine.