Stop Bio Fuels Now!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2002
Reaction score
Sugar Land, TX
America's increasing demand for ethanol has caused global commodity prices to spiral upwards and encouraged farmers of blue agave, the origin of tequila, to switch to more profitable cash crops, such as wheat and corn.

Stop the madness. Drill, drill, drill.
i was actually looking into possibly making biodiesel a short time ago...actually very easy process...figured it wasn't worth my time though
When government gets involved....we get screwed. Plain and simple. The government demanded MTBE be added in the fuel in the North East as a oxidizing agent to improve vehicle emissions. MTBE is a carcinogen and has poluted our ground water. The EPA removed MTBE from our fuels. The government wants to add ethanol to our gasoline, again for environmental reasons. prices are up, pollution, especially in the Gulf of Mexico is up from the increase fertilization of corn products, and we we get less MPG with the mixture. Ethanol can even be piped like gasoline or oil. It has to be trucked or railroaded using diesel fuel. Next we will burn vegetable oils. Well that's nice but how many McDonalds do we have to empty of frying oil to fuel all our cars. BTW where do we get these oils...yup from the farmer. Sounds like the same problem as ethanol.

We should wean ourself off of foreign oil dependence., but let there be a completely thought out plan , not just a knee jerk reaction. Aren't the metals used in electric car batteries considered toxic waste?
I like the idea of using Ethanol. We should have the choice to use whatever fuel we can. Drilling is not the only answer.

Cayman. ethanol from corn is not a viable solution. The use of sugar cane get more ethanol per acre. Shale oil or liquifying coal may be a good short term solution. Wave motion, thermal and nuclear can work in the long term.
The problem with ethanol is that no-one considered the impact on corn production and it's by-products, such as feed. Now we are too busy putting it in our gas tank with no realistic improvement in milage and no reduction in cost...
I saw a news blip about how ethanol blended gas is harmful to small engines.

I'm not looking forward to the expense of repairing or replacing my small engine

driven equipment. I don't have alot but it works. (for now)

new Chad
Cayman. ethanol from corn is not a viable solution. The use of sugar cane get more ethanol per acre. Shale oil or liquifying coal may be a good short term solution. Wave motion, thermal and nuclear can work in the long term.

I am fully aware on what works, what works better, and what desn't work at all.

Simply put, if you do not like it, make your voice heard. Nobody want to hear, vote people out. If the general public is too stupid to do that, we got what we deserved.

We cry about the costs. While on our camping trip, we ran accross a family driving the exact same model of Motorhome we are in. It was a rental (cheaper model). They pay $12.00 per gallon of gas.

What are we pissing and moaning about?

We cry about the costs. While on our camping trip, we ran accross a family driving the exact same model of Motorhome we are in. It was a rental (cheaper model). They pay $12.00 per gallon of gas.

Tom, either you left something out, or these are the stupidest people on the planet...
How are they stupid? They are visiting the USA.

They live in England and they pay $12.00 per gallon of gas. They have no choice, gas costs them $12.00/gallon

We are crying about 4 bucks.


They are visiting the USA. They live in England and they pay $12.00 per gallon of gas. They have no choice, gas costs them $12.00/gallon

You forgot to mention where they are from...
Simply put, if you do not like it, make your voice heard. Nobody want to hear, vote people out. If the general public is too stupid to do that, we got what we deserved.

In other words, vote all the Democrats out. They are the ones keeping us from drilling. ;)
While we are at it, vote the Republicans out. It was after a Republican became President that gas prices started going up...

"While we are at it, vote the Republicans out. It was after a Republican became President that gas prices started going up..."

Actually, it was immediately after the Democrats took control of Congress. Prior to that, the average price for 89 octane was about $2.29/gallon.

Do you really want to go there?
And regarding how much people in other countries are paying for gas, who cares? <I>I don't live there.</I>

But, even though gas prices have risen a lot until recently, when adjusted for inflation, they're just keeping up:

[Broken External Image]:

So, as much as it hurts to pay this much for gas, the price simply fluctuates with inflation, just like any other commodity.

Jim Johnson, how exactly do you claim that having the price of gas triple since the start of 2002, EVEN AFTER ADJUSTING FOR INFLATION, is "just keeping up"??

Per your chart, the price of gas at the start of 2002, in 1979 dollars, was about 50 cents. It's now about $1.50, again in 1979 dollars. So, no, they're not "just keeping up"--they've gone up significantly.

Also, adjusting for inflation on gasoline isn't always pertinent, as the price of gasoline itself is a primary driving factor in inflation.