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David Tallent

Active Member
Apr 16, 2004
Reaction score
Darlington, SC
A lady at work asked me if I would bring this pool to her house, but she did not want the air let out. I passed several police officers on the way and have caught some flack from a few of them about how goofy I looked. I was able to look up into the sunroof and see the front up in the air. I only wish I had a picture while I was driving:lol:[Broken External Image]:
I don't have any photo's, but about 4 years a go, I hauled a new king-sized matress home from the store. I just layed it on the tonneau cover and strapped it down, and had no problems during the 10 mile trip home. :D


Just last month I hauled our new table(still in the box) and 4 chairs (fully assembled) about 25 miles. Only went about 45 mph tho.
I hauled an entertainment center and a queen sized matress and box spring in the trac all at once.....thats why I bought the truck, to use it as a truck!
I hauled home a foosball table last week. Fit perfectly in the bed of the ST and was a piece of cake to get home. Serves as a dinner table with a small piece of plywood and a table cloth, makes an excellent platform for beer pong, and of course, it's a foosball table.

Also hauled home over 1000lbs of sand, dirt, soil, and 2'x2' concrete steps for some landscaping I was doing earler this summer. First time in a long time since I've used the bed like that, and I even pulled the BedRug out.
I built a 12x12 storage building and brought everything home from HomeDepot in the Trac. Including 16' siding and 12 ft galvanized roofing. Not all at once, just as needed. Roll down the rear window and set one end on the dash and the other on the tailgate extender.

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