Stupid things you've seen while driving

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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2004
Reaction score
Spring, TX
Ok, here's a question for you. What's the stupidest thing you've ever seen someone doing while driving? I drove a short-haul truck in the Houston area for a couple of years between high school and college, and the view from up there was almost always entertaining. Drivers like to do all sorts of things when they are supposed to be driving, from eating to putting on makeup to brushing teeth to reading the paper! I've also seen lots of people doing rather intimate things with themselves and others in the car. Don't they realize the windows let you see in both directions?

Anyway, what have you seen?
Not too long ago, I saw an idiot driving down the freeway not only reading the newspaper, but it looked like he was doing the crossword puzzle (had a pencil or pen writing). A while back I saw someone with drumsticks practicing on his steering wheel, while driving on the highway.

edit: Thought of another one just now. Seen this numerous times. When moving a mattress & boxspring, why does the driver not tie the two together LENGTHWISE or at least put the boxspring on top when feasible? You see that mattress catch that wind and of course you are right behind him. That sucker flips up half-way or more, and you think you are going to DIE. Last time I saw this, I pulled up beside "Gomer" to warn him he's gonna kill someone . . .
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I seen a guy pass me in the opposite direction. His lower front driver side 6" or 8" molding was bending back and sticking out about 5 feet. I had to get in the slow lane quick to keep from being side swiped. Dang he had to see that!:blink:
i was coming into work one day and caught a guy using one of those nose trimmers. Ive never used one but would think that your one bump away from having a nasty accident.
I know it was because of halloween but this was still pretty stupid. There was a guy on a harley dressed up like nacho libre, and not just a little bit it was the whole thing, no shirt baby blue tights red boots cape and mask. Nacho doesn't even ride a harley!!! Even though it probobally isn't the stupidest it sure was the funniest.:lol::lol:
Seen the changing of clothes, paper work, lap tops, food, drink, shaving with real shaving cream, intimate things.....

It is funny how people do it..

Todd Z
Seen a cop reading a book while driving onto a highway. He was on a on-ramp that is really sharp and a big turn.

Saw people like looking back at their kids(actally turning around) and sometimes, people were putting ketchup and all kinds of things on their hamburger.

It is crazy, there are alot things i cant remember.

Ohh, i saw a lady putting on hand cream while driving on a highway.:wacko:

My wife and I left our local drive-in one night and at the first set of lights, we pulled up next to a car that was in the left hand turn lane.

At the time, we had a full size pick-up truck that sat kinda high. As I pulled up to the red light, I nonchalontly looked over at the car next to me and started laughing.

My wife asked what was so funny, so I told her to have a look.

The driver was getting his "cigar" smoked by some chick and there was a guy in the back seat doing a 90 mph horizontal bop on another.

We were beside them for at least 30 seconds and they never even glanced over at us.

We laughed all the way home....:p
Do what, Todd? :lol::lol: Sorry could not resist! ha ha!!

I don't think, I have ever seen one stupid thing other than people turning right from a left handed lane. :)
not me, but my friend is a lieutenant for a village in nassau county and he was driving his police issued suv, when he came upon a parked vehicle and looked down and the guy was having sex with a fresh turkey on his lap :lol:

the story got better when he called dispatch and they didn't beleive it until another officer arrived. the guy was taken to the station house and had to call his wife :eek:
Stupidest thing I've seen someone actually do is read a novel while driving down the Florida Turnpike.

Stupidest thing I've seen recently? How about this sign on a trailer. (Took the pic with my camera phone while driving, which means someone on this list may mention me in a minute or two. - :))

[Broken External Image]:
Saw a lady driving down the road reading a book and eating a slice of pizza. I was thinking to myself "what kind of idiot reads a book and eats while driving" then I hit the car in front of me.
A lady doing 75mph and a crossword puzzle on the NY State Thruway.

A lady putting on mascara (sp?) while talking on the cellphone....bizzare.


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