In Memoriam 1950-2022
Neat littletest to see how many words, in your vocabulary.
but what does that mean...
I think that age is immaterial. There are words the older generations know that the kids don't and vice-versa. Doesn't mean one age group has a larger vocabulary.
After all, when my wife gets upset at me, she calls me all sorts of words I don't recognize. Although I think most of them she has made up--do those count in the tally?
My second point is that if you use words that are not commonly known by the persons you are speaking to, you run the risk of not being understood, and even worse, being considered and eliteist and speaking over peoples heads just to show your superiority...Then your message is lost regardless if the words were used properly. Kind of like Rev. Jesse Jackson, who uses words that many people have never heard of, as a way to imply he is more educated than other people.