That story was on the local news here (Waco, TX)
The whole issue was instigated by a woman in Dallas who whas arrested for PI at a hotel bar where she was staying. That created the impression to some Texas politicians that the police may have been a bit too gung-ho. The operation has been halted, pending an investigation to insure that the Police did not over-step their authority.
The same news article stated that most citizens in Texas agreed with the PI crackdown and there were no complaints regarding the arrests made in the central Texas area including Austin, Waco, Temple and Killeen Texas. I'm sure there were some complaints from Bar owners but the ones who appeared on TV supported the TABC/police actions although business at many bars has dropped.since the PI arrests.
All the complaints are related to the single arrest of the woman at a hotel bar in Dallas. I have not hear about any complaints from anyone elsewhere in the state. Perhaps that is because more bars (30) raided where in Dallas. The police also indicated that the majority of the bars included in the crackdown where known trouble spots.
All the politicians agree that the police followed the letter of the law. They are only calling for an investigation to determine if the police were over-zealous in making some arrest.
The halt in the PI arrests in bars is only temporary and gives the officials time to evaluated the actions of the police, and also to analize the statistic to determine the impact of these actions on alcohol related incidents and DWI arrest.
I beleive that the PI arrests in Bars will continue. The police may have certain additioanl restriction imposed on them to insure there are no questionable arrests. I also think that these crackdowns will be smaller and more sporatic.