The Art of Driving on Ice

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Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2004
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All Over the East Coast,
Or something like that. I think the first guy got the super bonus, nearly avoiding the dreaded "TILT!"

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Portland, Oregon. It's what happens when you combine ice & hills. And that first person MIGHT have been a LITTLE bit heavy on the gas at first to pick up such momentum. This is not the first time I've seen video like this from Portland. They have these ice storms occasionally, and it's a good day to be at home with your car IN THE GARAGE!!! :D
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That reminds me of about 20 years ago when I used to live in an apartment that was on the bottom of a steep hill. The night before a storm came and the entire street was a solid sheet of ice. I spent the morning just watching people slid down and crash into each other. After about 20 wrecks the police finally showed up but there was nothing he could do. He parked his car at the top of one side of the hill but people just kept driving around him and crashing. It was so bad that the enitre street was clogged. The grand finallie (sp?) came when the sand truck finally showed up only to slid down the hill himself. By a stroke of luck he managed not to hit anybody. He had to back up the hill pooring sand. It was a funny time. Just glad I decided to stay home and not destroy my car.
Ouch! not much anyone can do in on an icy road like that! I know!, I was at a stop light once in Aurora, CO, "Parker rd" to be exact. In a large heavy car. My car was at a stand still, all of a sudden ...tail end started sliding. not just mine but other cars as well. Luckily the light changed and all of us were able to drive out of it before hitting a car that was next to mine! Scary stuff!

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That first person looked like he was TRYING to hit as many cars as possible. What an asshole.

Yeah, what the hell was he doing, everytime he was almost stopped he/she would punch the accelerator again, you can see the snow rooster tail kick up everytime.
Actually, Krash was correct. The video was taken in Portland, OR. The video made (Seattle) home page and was aired on several stations around the country.

That road had a nice elevation change. Similar to the road a block from my house that they always close but people still go around the sign and attempt to make it to the bottom, fools!
Over-all, I am sure the insurance will have no problem paying the bill. Looks like there were no injuries to me. Which, is where the HUGE money normally comes in.

Fun to watch, thanks...
What? Me be wrong??? Ha! :) Thanks, SST!

Actually, I watch the news daily, and I saw this on the 5:30 national news. And Seattle does have similar problems with their roads when there's an ice storm. Hills & ice don't mix!
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