The spirit of the season...via a wrong number

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A great story, and appropriate that those that earn big bucks during real estate boom should help out those that are hurt when during the real estate bust.

those that earn big bucks during real estate boom should help out those that are hurt when during the real estate bust.

I don't think that they should, as that opens the door to "have to". TJR, you've been fairly successful in the IT field, I gather, with your work on such ubiquitous programs as InstallShield. I wouldn't say that you should have to help all of those who were less fortunate in, say, the .com bubble bursting.

This is a good thing--I'm just saying that when someone says that another person "should" do something, bad things result. :(

Not only is this a good thing for saving the down and out families, but it supports capitalism.

She said the act of giving made "the day special for me."

She gave money of her own free will, she got personal gratification, the family didn't jeopardize their house. Win win for everyone.:cool:

No self-sacrifice "I am my brothers' keeper" junk :D

Capitalism--it works. ;)
Excellent story.:D

You would be suprised at number of folks, that help others. Many never get publicised. They want it that way.

appropriate that those that earn big bucks during real estate boom should help out those that are hurt

I disagree.Tackey. No matter what your bank account. We should help others. Many that have little give just as much. You never hear about it.

If you dont give from the heart or a real desire to help. It may help the one in need but your giving is rags.
KL, FastEddie, I think you're using a different meaning of "should" than is indicated by the context TJR used it in. You seem to have taken it as, "ought to" or "are required to". But in this case, it appears to me that TJR meant more along the lines of "have the ability to" or "have the opportunity to". It's more like the sentence, "While you're out, if you should happen to go by the store, would you get me some eggs?" The "should" isn't indicating a requirement, but an opportunity.
You would be suprised at number of folks, that help others. Many never get publicised. They want it that way.

Anyone hear about the person or persons that puts gold coins in the Salvation Army

kettles lately? They are usually on the news, haven't heard from them in a couple of years.

Maybe they ran out?!?
KL, FastEddie, Bill V,

Maybe I shouldn't have said "should", but just left it at "seems appropriate that".

Like I said, it's a good story.

I'd like to think that anyone with means that got that wrong number would help the woman out. Regardless, I do think there is some "justice" and some "ying/yang karma" going on given that the person that just so happened to have got the wrong number is also more than likely someone who made a lot of money off of people JUST LIKE the person he ends up helping.

That's all I was trying to say.


You asked if I do or did help those that were less fortunate when the IT bubble burst? I guess I did, somewhat, indirectly. I contribute to my alma matter (a tech institute) each year. I didn't and don't feel the need to directly help those hurt by the IT bubble burst, because I didn't count on those people for my livlihood during the gold rush...I was one of those people. Now, if back then I were an IT headhunter that banked a few hundred k during the 90s and later I ran across a down and out IT contractor, then we would have similar circumstances to those in the story, IMHO.

"While you're out, if you should happen to go by the store, would you get me some eggs?"

I've known that to mean "go to the store and get me some eggs" if spoken by the fairer sex ;)

That said, I catch your drift.

TJR, I made a sloppy analogy without the intent to ask you about your charity habits (guess my analogy was just that sloppy lol), but it is nice that you do, because you want to. I'm not buying into the karma thing. She was a real estate agent--no one said that she was wealthy.

She made her money off of selling houses,true, but whether or not the buyers can pay for them doesn't concern the realators, it concerns the banks. The article didn't say that the real estate agent was in league with the banks to force people she knew could never pay the mortgage into buying a house just for her own greed. So to say that she out of avarice made money off of people in need, and then is guilted into giving back to people in need via karma or something similar seems a bit unfair.

Anyhow, when I saw that "should" in your statement, I did misinterpret it to mean "must", thinking back to one of the most feared phrases in the English language:

"There should be a law..."
I apologize TJR, for my misinterpretation. It would be nice to see more of the haves give to the needy in this country. Im not thinking socialism, never. We do have many people that have more than their family can spend, the rest of their lives. In these trying times our own taxes are still going to countries that hate us.

I believe the heart felt choice to help, reaps unseen rewards.

I've known that to mean "go to the store and get me some eggs" if spoken by the fairer sex ;)


And even that statement leaves room for interpretation--By "fairer", I assume you mean "more physically attractive", as we all know that when they make comments like that, they most certainly aren't being "fair" in the sense of being "judiciously neutral". :lol: