On our last trip to Disney World(like 13 years ago?), I'd call out the miles on 75 to Don Garlits Drag Racing Museum and believe me, no one was interested. On the way back I did the same thing a couple tries but no one seemed interested. Well, right before the last exit to the museum, my wife goes " Well, are you going to go to Garlits?" and I did a quick maneuver to get off. We get out, go inside and what meets you at the entrance to the museum??? The Little Red Wagon, on display, standing on 2 wheels. The Snake and the Mongoose, Jungle Jim's cars, Swamp Rat 1,2,3 and on and on! My son liked it and my daughter and wife put on a good act! I'd recommend it to anyone. A nice 2-8 hour stop in Ocala.