This will bring a few people to tears

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Shawn Couture

Active Member
Apr 27, 2006
Reaction score
Chicopee, MA

This will bring a few people to tears.

A remarkable phone call from a 12-yr old boy to Houston radio station KSBJ FM 89.3. So profound, the station has it posted on their website. Click below to listen to it. It's short

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Ironbar, you have the right to think what you want. This is a christian radio station. They broadcast truth.

On the the otherhand I dont have to defend God. But you you have the right to try and tear him apart. No one has suceeded for over 2000yrs..;)
I don't mean to be rude, but this kind of attitude keeps people from becoming Christians. I state my opinion and you jump on me saying I am tearing God apart. Where in my post did I say anything about God? Not only that, but how do you know that I am not a Christian? Because I think a well publicized conversation coming from a radio station about a 12 year-old killing his cow is fake? Seems like you are casting judgment on me.

BTW: I have spent many many years in church. Christians do lie. Christian radio stations do not always broadcast truth. Nobody is perfect, except for God/Jesus.
Ramblings, and I passed no judgment. First comment was you have the right to think what you want. You were trying to to tear down a moment of peace with a kid talking about god.

Christians are not perfect, only made perfect in Gods eyes by the belief in Jesus in your heart. This is not condemnation, but a person can spend their whole life in church, and not be a Christian. If you are then I know we are brothers..Peace and blessing be with you..:D
Let's see--The kid is saying that God is like a dead cow....

And Fast Eddie is saying that it's Ironbar that's tearing God apart????

Time to rethink that....
Spiritual concept. Suppose you dont know the reason for the season. If you dont or dont care. Give your holiday pay back to your employer.;)
Maybe his Dad should have explained that he goofed-we all do sometimes- and thats why the calf died- I don't see God's hand here, just a poor kid who missed a valuable REAL lesson.
Hey Fast Eddie, my employer laid me off on 12/7 after 10 years employment. Should I ask him for my holiday pay back? Somehow I doubt Jesus is the reason why 90% of employers give "holiday pay." Actually, 50% of the company I worked for is owned by a Jew and we always got Christmas bonuses.

To everyone - Tis the season to be appreciative of what you have no matter what you believe. In fact, the owner the gas station I frequent gave me a free 12 pack of beer for "Christmas" - he is Muslim.


I'm not discounting God or Jesus but, I want people to THINK about what they believe in and the statements they make day to day.
*pours fuel*

I went to church every Sunday til I was 12 years old. I became agnostic at 14, and atheist at 18. And nobody's fooling....the reason for the season is money, commercialism, capitalism, the all mighty dollar.

[Broken External Image]:
Predating Christmas was the Winter Festivals. A celebration of mankind and many religions. Not all people believe in Jesus but most celebrate Christmas because of commercialism. Actually, in my case, I want to show an appreciation for the people I love by buying them things.

The original point of the thread was to state that a boy understood that the calf he loved was a part of the bigger picture as was Jesus. Amazing a boy of 12 understood this. Not a bad point. Maybe narrow-minded (what his parents taught him), but not a bad point.

I stated that the video/text was "fake" or scripted and Fast Eddie defended that assuming that I was trying to tear God down which was not my intention.

No reason for a religions debate here - we can start another thread for that. EVERYONE is entitled to their religions beliefs. Thankfully we live in America.

THANKS to shaw9766 for posting this - very interesting

NO THANKS to the Christians on YouTube who gave people a neg rating just because THEY DON'T BELIEVE WHAT YOU BELIEVE

NO THANKS to Fast Eddie for calling my post ramblings and stating that people should give their "holiday pay" back because they don't believe in Jesus

THANKS to lasik1 for thinking outside the box and focusing on what the boy's father might have/should have done

THANKS to Woopy V for asking a logical question - yes, that is what he said, he put the calf down, as I did when I was young

THANKS/NO THANKS to Jeff C for adding fuel to the fire LOL

edit: took out spacing; made fun a monkey; jumped up and down three times
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I told you Iam not perfect..:lol:

I still say in these modern times, if it wasnt for christ there would be no holiday.

I hate the comercialism also.

Ironbar,,My employer(new owners) layed me off after 36yrs,2yrs ago. Replaced a $23per hr job with a $16 dollar. The new owners are morrocan.

Iam 58, cant find anything without traveling or working nights, it sucks.

Jeff,,If you didnot live in capitalism, you wouldnot have what you have and the acess to what you want. I dont know what you are trying to prove with your chart. But there is nothing wrong with the different branches of Christianity..;)

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