Thoughts and prayers for the Lunder family

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Rich Stern

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2000
Reaction score
Lawrenceville, GA
Many of you know Rich Lunder, long time member and founder/inventor of Leverlift.

Rich's wife Linda has been battling cancer for a number of years, and sadly, is near the end of that fight. She is in hospice care and being kept comfortable. Rich is by her side.

Rich and Linda are good, honest folks, always willing to share a bit of comraderie with other site members over these past six years we've known each other.

Rich, I'm sure I speak for many here when I say that you and Linda will be in the thoughts and prayers of many of us this evening and the coming days.
Rich, our prayers are with you. May God bless you abundently with peace for you and the family.

Blessings, Eddie and Cathy

I can't think of how hard this must be for you. I'll be praying for you and your family.
Rich, I wish you and your family all the best in these trying times.
Rich and Linda,

We will all pray for you, and offer our support if you need any thing..

Todd and Rachel.
Rich and Family,

I empathize with you, as I went through this with my wife several years ago

(K-4 Ovarian Cancer). A special prayer will be said for you and your entire

family tonight, and in the days to come...

God Bless, One and All,

Mike Wilson and Family...
rich & linda

you are both in our prayers , reach out and touch faith
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Rich, if you have not had to deal with Hospice in the past, you will find them to be simply fantastic people. I did the same as you are now two years ago with my father. He was absolutely comfortable until the end.

That said, nothing makes it easy or easier on you my friend. You and your family are in my prayers.

There is nothing I can say to make things right, I can only tell you that I will pray for you and give you any support I can.

Take care my friend...
We are praying for you and have you in our hearts and thoughts. You guys are wonderful people and it is a pleasure knowing you. God Bless. Tell Linda we are praying for her, and for you in this trying time.

LaRue and Rose
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