Tires on ST

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Jerry Arnold

Dec 1, 2008
Reaction score
Denver, CO
I got a 2005 ST with stock Goodyear 255/70/16 tires, I want to get some BFG TA KO size 265/75/16, or 265/70/16, has anyone tried these tire sizes and brand? and if so do they rub and fit OK, thanks for any help, I'm a newer member here.
Those sizes will fit, You may feel some slight rubbing on full tight turns going into a drive way or something like that..

I have 275/70/16 on my 04 Bridge stone Dueler Revos. I like them a lot and will get them again...

I had to trim the plastic inner fender a little to fit them but it was well worth it and did not cause any ill effects. I have been running that size on the truck for well over 60K miles now.

They did throw off the speedo a little and slowed the bottom end of the truck down a little too. But my 04 is not my Fast truck... My 03 is... :)


Todd Z
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I'm just jumpin in to promote going with bridgestones. They are a great tire!
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Lets see....

Faster then the 04 and, only what was it?? 1/2 second slower then your Gen 2 with a 300 HP v8 !!!

and I think my St weighed More then your ST on the scale too....

Do the math...

Thought so...

Todd Z
slumberbum - I have the BFG T/A KO's on my ST. Mine are the 265/75's. There was some rubbing of the wheel well liner, but that went away when I trimmed it. The ride is great, and the tires wear exceptionally well. I have over 35K miles on mine and there is still over half the tread left. Been a great tire overall.

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neither is far from fast :lol:

now a 4runner, 15.2 is nice for a truck that size ;)

btw, jerry welcome to the site :)
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Thanks for the warm welcome! and thanks Jenn D for the pic with the tires I want, your ST looks a helluva lot like mine ,post some pics later. any hints for cutting on the wheel well liners? how much and where do they rub?

thanks again Jerry
You will see were they rub, pair of tin snips our aircraft shears makes easy work out of trimming them.

Wellcome to the site.
While we are on the subject,I have an 2001, 4wd, job 2 with 255/70/16 from factory. Am I able to go to a 255/65/16 without any problems?????
I just took a box cutter to the liner. The most rubbing occurred in the driver's side front, but I still trimmed each side equally since I'm anal retentive and didn't want one side looking different than the other.

I still have some rubbing when crank the wheels all the way to the left to turn, but that only happens once in a blue moon and it doesn't hurt anything.

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