Top 10 car buying mistakes

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Sep 16, 2001
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Roseville/Sacramento, CA

Top 10 car buying mistakes

Friday September 15, 6:00 am ET

Laura Shanahan

Craving a new car? Jonesing for a jalopy? Hankering for a minivan?

Yep, getting a new set of wheels is one of those wonderful sources of high-octane excitement. But don't get too revved up, Rover! The countless decisions regarding car buying are ones you want to make with a clear head.

"Car buying is, or should be, a calculated decision,"says John Mondin, an auto travel counselor with AAA. "It's a major purchase."

Car-buying mistakes

Before you go cuckoo for that coupe or raving for that roadster, consider these top 10 mistakes car buyers make.

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