Turning radius in 4 wheel drive

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Scott Mikutel

May 10, 2007
Reaction score
Massillon, OH
Seems when I back out of a parking space or pull into one in 4 wheel drive the truck wont go.(when weel is cut sharp-dont have this problem in 2 wheel) It just wants to stop.....Im a newb? Can someone help? Ohio weather sucks!
4wd drive always increases your turning radius. I've notided the same when the wheel is turned really really sharp, it kind of lurches. I'm sure someone knows exactly why but I think it has to do with a combo of the steering and the short front driveshaft. My suggestions is to either back into a parking spot first, or pull straight through so you can drive straight out rather than back up out of a spot. (less chance of getting into an accident)
You shouldn't be driving in 4 wheel drive on dry pavement, it can damage your car. But even in heavy snow you will have a larger turning radius.

The reason why it won't let you turn is because the wheels are locked meaning that they rotate at the same speed. When you turn your outer wheel wants to spin faster than your inner wheel, so something has to give, either the inside wheel will spin faster or the outside wheel will not want to move. when you over power the traction with the engine you will "plow" forward and not turn as sharp as your wheels are turned.

It takes 2 seconds to switch the Trac back to 2wd, this is what you need to do when parking.

That's one of the things I love about my '07, when I pull into a parking lot I take my trac out of 4x4 high and put it into auto 4x4 and have no binding or turning radius issues.