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Kyle Keller

Active Member
Jun 29, 2006
Reaction score
Columbia, SC
on my way back this evening from high school football game going down i-575 in atlanta. 2006 ford mustang gt, 1995 5.0 mustang gt, and a Mazda RX7. i got those boys going just a little game of cat mouse they were easily doing 110 120 but the trac stayed up there with them i was doing about 98-100 my trac shutting on and off because of the governor but it stayed up there with them i even pulled ahead of them about 100 yards every now and then. when we pulled off the exit i said to the guy with the '06:

me: is that a 4.6?

him: yeah man

me: i was staying there with you doing about 100 with my truck shutting on and off

him: man i know i saw you i was wondering if you had something in there or what :huh:

me: (burnout at the street light) :D

i love my trac! who needs a mustang?
Street racing is stupid, but at least it isn't boring like drag racing. Where's the challenge in seeing how fast you can go in a straight line? That's more about your ride than your skills as a driver. A winding road, on the other hand, is about guts, skills, and your ride. (in that order).

Much more fun...a stock sport trac can beat modified cars on windy roads, with a driver who takes it up past the limit ;)

(but the same st would get burned against those cars on a quarter mile;( )

Nice to see that the oft-forgot sport trac is the true king of the ford sport car line lol.
Street racing is stupid, but at least it isn't boring like drag racing. Where's the challenge in seeing how fast you can go in a straight line? That's more about your ride than your skills as a driver. A winding road, on the other hand, is about guts, skills, and your ride. (in that order).

yeah, tell that to the 3 kids that were killed in wolcott a couple of weeks ago

street racing add's way too many variables.

0-320 MPH in about 4 seconds.

Boring? I don't think so!

-->The problem with that is the ride is pretty much over as soon as it begins. Drag racing is less than 1/4th a minute...I'd like my thrills to last longer, and I wouldn't really like to ride in those tiny vehicles.

Try racing a car with 40-55 other cars on a road course track for 4 hours.

-->In the words of the late Vic Morrow, there is no fun in being a "roundy round driver". Going on a controlled course for hours may be challenging, but it isn't really exhilarating. The course is the same, each lap, every lap...and all you do is go circle for eternity. Why run with the pack when you can run in front of it?

yeah, tell that to the 3 kids that were killed in wolcott a couple of weeks ago

street racing add's way too many variables.

-->If you don't have the skills to do something, don't go out and force yourself and get killed. They made the decision to race, they sucked, they died. A tragic story, but it was their own prerogative. America is just awesome like that--relatively free choice.

Wait a minute. You think because they "sucked" at drag racing on the street that's why they died?

I don't know about you, but I've never seen a soccer mom and her mini-van CROSS the drag strip in front of me!

What are you smoking? There's too many variables on the street (intersections, other drivers, traffic control devices, pedestrians, etc.) to do anything "safely". I don't care if you're John Force!

In Orlando a few years back a kid street racing his Mustang plowed into a car that came out of a side street (no control over the other driver's actions now do we?) and the other driver turned out to be his own MOTHER! Yes, the kid killed his own mom.

So think about that next time you think you're so great at street racing and you have ALL the control. Yeah right...

Natural selection at its finest right here...

haha guys i didnt mean to start a safety debate over drag or street racing. the highway was about empty with just me and the 3 other sportier cars. i just wanted to say how i loved how the trac handled altho not fabulous at 100+ but just the fact that the guy commented on it keeping up. racing is stupid in the first place i just thought i would have some fun since my team lost last night at the football game ;)

think twice before you race and its crowded or you have no idea what the hell your doing
I do recall saying that I wasn't a fan of street racing. I said that I preferred the winding roads of yesteryear to drive on...you know, the ones that are underemphasized on the maps and are not traveled as they are longer, less direct, and more unknown than the major interstates and state roads which have replaced them....read that as "desolate", so there are no other cars to worry about.

I never said I was great at street racing(where'd that come from?)...why waste time becoming "great" at something so lame? We all know that the fast and the furious sucked horribly...the first movie was only tolerable because Vin Diesel was there to drag it along...after that, the movies were only good to illustrate the lack of durability in asian cars ;) (and to create misconceptions on car mechanics, specifically nitrous oxide)

..and that trilogy sums up street racing.

If your sense as a driver is weak enough to allow you to undertake such an asinine endeavour as racing down "main street"--with driving sense being a key skill of driving--then you really do suck, as your skill at driving is abysmal. I don't see why you contest that.

Street racing can have its merits though, such as passing a Monte Carlo which illegally passed you on a 2 lane road across the double-yellow line late at night (on a very desolate road, mind you), or beating a lincoln towncar in a 92 LeSabre with 4 of your friends in the car.
I was a fan of street racing when I was younger, in the 60s' and 70s'. The difference was we never raced in the city. We went to the out skirts with staight roads no intersections, no mans land. All those roads are gone now. The city grew up So some of us take it to the track now.

The only time I ever witness something bad was. One guy lost part of a foot. He didnot have scatersheid and his clutch exploded going into 3rd gear.

All this doesnt mean we were not a little nuts. We had no EMTs' or tow trucks if anything bad happened. But we were of enough sound mind to take it out the city. We were the only ones that would get hurt.

The street racing I see on the news in the houston area now is stupid.

I still love fast cars but there is the right time and place to put your foot in it.
I street raced in Houston in the 70's and early 80's. Looking back at some of the situations I got in I'm amazed I lived. And you never know what the other guy is running, because you just met him 5 seconds ago and there isn't a tech inspection. I really liked the 409 '66 Nova, with the original 6 cylinder drum brakes and shocks! Or the transmission line I blew once. Can you say "instant oil slick"? Try an SCCA meet, where they lay the track out, and you race against the clock.

Street racing is dumb. It was dumb when I did it, and it's worse today.
Yes, driving around and around in an oval doesn't excite me as a fan or as a driver. SCCA Road Course racing is not a controlled environment. You have 7 classes running at the sametime from HP from 150-700 depending on the car. Your line around the course is never the same when your racing. Your line on a winding road is always the same on that road.
