Update on my litte Trac'r

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Feb 27, 2002
Reaction score
Summerville, SC
Hi all,

Here is a quick update on our little man. He had to get a blood transfusion Friday and yesterday because his counts were low. His white cell count was really low so he is once again susceptible to infection.

Kim noticed that his ear was oozing a little (sorry for being graphic) and his blood pressure was high yesterday during his visit to MUSC. They told Kim to have his BP taken on base today and it was high. So, off to MUSC again and it was still high. They did a renal ultrasound and found that his kidneys are abnormal. They are normal size but there are some dark spots that the docs are unsure about. It could be many things (calcium deposits, his medicines, leukemia or tumors). He’ll be on some meds to try and bring his BP down and see it that clears things up. If not, they’ll do a kidney biopsy and do a bone marrow aspirate while they’re at it. The cancer doc said his counts would have probably shown if it was the leukemia creeping back but they can’t rule it out.

That’s about it for now. Kim and the kids are on the way home from the 3rd weekday in a row spent in the hospital with BP medicine and ear drops. Please continue to pray for Zach and the doctors and nurses who take care of him.

Kim’s LLS marathon training is going well. Thanks to everyone who has donated to LLS. Please keep giving (ask your friends, neighbors, family members, coworkers and businesses to help as well!!!). We need to find a cure for this disease.

Remember, you can make donations at Kim’s website http://www.active.com/donate/tntsc/tntscKMoore and check her progress there too.

Finally, here is a really neat video of Zachary taking his medicine like a big boy. I think it’s truly amazing that he hardly ever fights taking his pills or liquid medicines even though I know they taste bad. Here is a direct link to his video. I haven’t linked it to his page yet. http://www.mooreck.com/vids/medicine.wmv

God Bless you all,


Christopher, Kimberly, Zachary and Jaden Moore

Website - http://www.mooreck.com

Photos - http://www.flickr.com/photos/mooreck

The link for Kim's website didn't work. I don't know what LLC is or what is wrong with your kid but I'm sorry to hear that. Good luck and I hope things work out for you.
May an angel track you through your journey and bring you to safety in your fight. Thoughts and prayers are being said for all.
Stay strong. Even though your child is young, he knows what fear is. Your strength will rub off to him. Whatever happens, rest assured, it will be for the best.

I send you my prayers.
