update to the kid question

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Brett Hartwig

Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2005
Reaction score
freeport, IL
OK, after much internet research and taking all of the ST member suggestions, we decided to bite the bullet and try the bottle weaning tonight. Here is what we did: watched some Cartoon network after supper for awhile, then at 7:30pm we changed diapers while I broke a bottle into several pieces. We had the girls come out to the kitchen, showed them the broken bottle and said "all gone", to which they responded pretty well and helped throw them in the garbage. We drank a couple ounces of milk from a sippy cup, told them several times they were big girls, and then let them brush their teeth. Told the kitties good night and layed them down. They cried right away, lasted 30 minutes then some chattering. Shortly they were quiet. Been quiet for an hour now so we are crossing our fingers. Thank you for all the help, probably much harder for us then them. We will see as the nights go on. Good night all.:)


The only thing I might suggest changing is exchange Cartoon Network for reading a few books, read while in their bedrooms.

Make it a ritual. Here is ours:

- Get into jammies.

- Brush teeth, wash face and hands.

- Get one "last" drink of water

- Tuck them in bed, read them a short book or two (ones with lots of pictures and few words at this age).

- Kiss them goodnight, say a prayer if you are into that kind of thing, then lights out and goodnight.

Hey, what can I say, we are traditionalists.

Cherish these years. Yes, I know it sounds like a lot of work, and it is, but you will look back on those times and wish them returned when your youngest is 6 (like ours is), and does all this on her own (and has been), less the tuck-in and story...that still hasn't gone out of style.

No wonder the kids scream. This is a very stressful event:

Get one "last" drink of water

Tuck them in bed (So they can't escape?)

say a prayer if you are into that kind of thing

"Now I lay me down to sleep,

I pray the Lord my soul to keep.

If I should die before I wake,

I pray the Lord my soul to take".

The thought of going to sleep must be HORRIBLE for little kids! :lol::lol::lol:

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Gavin, funny. Seriously.

The reason I said "last" with quotes is because if anyone has ever had kids, they know that the "I need a drink" plea is the #1 way to get back out of bed. Thus, the term "last" was sarcastic on my part, because it rarely ever is for some kids.

As for the prayer...I have heard many don't use that prayer anymore because it may be too scarey for kids. We still use it.

Well, they slept all night. Were chattering at 7am when I got up for work but that is pretty typical. Will try again for nap today and bedtime tonight.
I'm still trying to figure out how we got our first two kids off of bottles, and sleeping through the night without getting out of bed, and through many other "issues" that I hear of so many parents having, without even attempting to do them. Somehow, it just "happened" that our kids stopped using a bottle, and they never get out of bed until morning, etc. I'm honestly not sure if there's something we're doing differently, or if we just have been lucky to have "easy" kids, or what, but these have never come up. Hopefully the third one (due in 9 days) continues that trend!

p.s.--TJR, the biggest problem with reading to the kids in their bedrooms, as I suspect you're well aware, is that the reading parent has a tendancy to fall asleep in the process. I can't tell you how many "naps", ranging from half an hour to the full night, I've had in my daughter's bedroom resulting from reading to her. :)
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