Upgrade Alt?

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user 62851

Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2005
Reaction score
Bout to do a huge stereo upgrade. Just talked to my local shop and they suggested I should invest in an upgraded alternator. So any suggestions or sources on where/what to get? Thanks in advance for any help that can be supplied.
PPI PCX2400 rated at 1600 bridged

PPI PCX440 rated at 320 bridged

Stereo shop suggested a 2 farad cap and an upgraded alt. So I thought I'd ask. I didn't think I would need more than just the cap.
My recommendation is to skip both, make sure they/you upgrade all your wires grounds and power wires.

Meaning run whatever size wire you are running back to you amps I'd guess at least 4 guage but it should more than likely be 2.

Upgrade Neg battery to Chassis

Upgrade Motor ground to Chassis

Upgrade Alt to Battery Pos

(these are commonly referred to as the "Big 3")

Instead of a cap I would get a second battery. Skip the alt and the cap all together. Even if it is just a small motorcycle battery, it will be better than a cap and cheaper.

edit: I run about 1500k max watts with only slight dimming at full volume with stock alt, and upgraded wires on a red top battery.
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Alright cool stuff. I will plan on upgrading all the wiring. I had in mind to get a Optima yellow top as well. I will get a 2 farad cap just for the heck of it. I just kinda didn't wanna go the route of upgrading the alt, if the stocker is good enough for it. Thanks for all the input.

For the upgrades to the alt and grounds.. What size wire would you recommend?
As large or 1 size larger than what you are using to power the amps.

My setup is 4 gauge split into 2 8's to feed the amps. So I did 4 gauge for my upgrades. Make sure they are ziptied to something so they don't flop around. It's a good idea to fuse both sides of the alt to battery wire also.
From your library it looks like you have an 04, but FYI on my 07 I routed a 0 guage and had no problems using the built in channels and firewall grommet.
Wouldn't a "deep cycle" battery (ex. Optima Yellow Top) be in order as well?

JD, If I were to a auto parts store and ask for the "Big 3" would they most likely know what I was talking about? Do you have pics of the connections? I didn't think about having you take a look at my wiring when we met for lunch.
If you run 0gauge, it's convenient to run inside the cladding under the truck and up into the back of the cab. Also ground to the frame.
Wouldn't a "deep cycle" battery (ex. Optima Yellow Top) be in order as well?

JD, If I were to a auto parts store and ask for the "Big 3" would they most likely know what I was talking about? Do you have pics of the connections? I didn't think about having you take a look at my wiring when we met for lunch.

Deep Cycle would be better, but isn't really neccessary unless you plan to run it with the truck off for long periods of time.. a good battery is neccessary though.

The auto parts store guy would look at you like your crazy. It's not really a kit, it's something that you peice together. Buy bulk wire and then ring terminals of the right size to match up to the wiring. Unless your running over 600 watts (guessing) you more than likely won't notice a difference.

Best explaination for doing it is thinking of your electrical system as a river, and you get all your juice from your alt, so you need to make the river bigger to get the power back to the amps.