Wonder what his eye lids say when closed? Dumb ASS? LOL. And you have to love the weak attempt at making his nose look like a snout, or something close to it.
Anybody ever watch "Lockdown" on National Geographic Channel. Just had a show a couple days ago on a Utah prison and some of its prisoners. This guy was one they were talking to, the guys at my fire station were commenting about his tattoos. Few days later he shoots a guard in the head...freaky.
His tats are pretty sweet. I can agree I wouldn't deface my face like that, but still those are some billy bull-honky tats. I'm not going down the road of agreeing with the racist stuff, but still, took some time and money do to all of that. but, if dude is a "true skin head", I think he needs to shave.
dunno what the crime was... but they should make part of his punishment to have his entire body inked bright pink! that outa make him stand out in jail! lol
That guy is freaky looking. Some of those tats are kewl though. The one on his neck with the skull is bad ass.
I know several people that have lots of tats, full sleeves, legs, torso. They're some of the nicest and coolest people I know. Myself I have two big tats. It's all perception.
I personally do not have any tatoos either. Never came across anything in life I liked so much that I would be willing to wear it for the rest of my life.