Having been in the Military computer field since about 1966, I can assure you that those computers in the video are older than mud. The oldest computer I ever worked on was an old IBM 1460 that used a language called Autocoder. I also worked on some old Univac 1004' and 1005's which were not called computers, but Card Processors because they used the old 80 column punch card (usually called the IBM card) that used the Holerith code to store information.
Later I worked on Boruroghs 6000, IBM 360's, 370's 3033's and 4330's. I then moved into the mini computers like the IBM system 36 and 38, the Series-1, and into the IBM MS-DOS Window's, Linux, Unix and AIX based PC's.
While in the military, I seen the advancement of the computer where the military was probably about 5 years behind the civilian world....now I think they are probably about on par with most civilian businesses.