Wanted to buy: spark plug removal tool

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Steve Krusich

Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
Lexington, KY
Is anyone interested in selling the famous spark plug removal tool that may be needed when removing the plugs from the early Gen 2 4.6 engines? I was lucky when I changed the plugs on my 07 Sport Trac but I am getting ready to change the plugs on my 05 F150 5.4 and the F150 horror stories have me more concerned.

My email is [email protected]
Not according to F150Forum.com. I had no trouble with my 07 SportTrac 4.6. The F150 Forum listers tell quite a few horror stories.

How many miles on the ST when done? Anything special that you did? What plugs did you replace them with?

'07 ST
I changed them at 60K. I figured the longer I waited the more chance there could be a carbon buildup. I was careful and soaked the chambers the night before after backing out each plug a fraction of a turn. They all came out without trouble. I re-installed Motorcraft.
Just curious what you soaked them with?
Anybody who does any work on their vehicle should always have a can of PB Blaster on hand.
and...anyone with a V8 Sport Trac should own the plug extractor tool BEFORE attempting to change plugs. O'Reilley had the tool in stock when my 3 plugs snapped off. I bought my truck w/66k miles & original plugs still in. I put Motocrafts back in- knowing that if these break, I can get them out. Champion 1-pc plugs were tempting... but if those broke, not sure the tool would work on them, and sure dont want to pull a head off.

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