War on Drugs

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Jacob Dryer

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2005
Reaction score
Oxnard, CA
Do you think it should still be going on?

Do you think it is effective?

General thoughts.. should be a good post, lets keep it civil.
ineffective...... Waste of money.....

Drugs are cheaper, more available and more powerful than ever.... We are throwing billions into a losing battle.

Take that money and use for drug education after legalizing and regulating the hell out of it. Stops the violence and crime. Sure initially we will see a big uptick in drug addicts but that will level off and the money saved for education will help people on the edge..
Is capital punishment still prohibitively more expensive than incarceration for life?

Haven't followed this for years, still seems to be the ultimate deterrent. JMO.:fire:
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TJR hit the nail on the head.

Personally, I never did drugs. Was it because they were illegal? Nope. Just because something is illegal doesn't "make" it wrong and just because something is legal does't "make" is right. It only puts a label on it.

I would say that we should change the punishment for drug related crimes. I wouldn't say change the laws and make drugs legal or anything drastic like that. For one, if the government starts seeing tax money from them, just imagine how addictive they'd become. But changing the punishment would be the most effective use of resources. Right now, we're wasting billions on drug related crime. The price of incarceration alone and the strain on our prison system for drug crimes is ridiculous. Then add the cost of operating such an expensive and ineffective program like the DEA.

My solution:

Drug possession for personal use: couple hundred dollar fine, community service, suspension of driver's license until completion of drug rehabilitation (at offender's expense, of course), require notification to current employer, repeat as necessary.

Drug possession for distribution (dealers): couple thousand dollars fine, 6 month max jail time, probation, longer community service, suspension of driver's license/rehab (as above), report to employer, each subsequent arrest for dealing adds a higher fine and attaches all previous fines to be paid again. Make it unprofitable.

International drug traffickers: capital punishment

Most importantly, education!
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Take the money and put it into border patrol. Kill 2 birds with one stone. It won't completely eliminate either problem but much more useful.
CA's largest cash crop is Marijuana, and most Meth is made here in the US also.. not that I think the borders shouldn't be policed more, but I don't think it would cause a huge decrease in drugs.