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J Ellsworth

Jul 31, 2004
Reaction score
Aside from watching the NCAA tournament... I got to spend the day riding around in this... its no F-22 Raptor... but it was fairly relaxing and pretty cool

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C-5 Galaxy

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UConn Campus from the air... the big silver dome building is Gampel Pavilion

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This is me in the cockpit on the comm's unit... I was able to broadcast a good "UCONN... HUSKIES" chant to the entire crew...

Good times...
I was recovering from a wild St. Patty's day night.

Looks fun, so far I've flown in a KC-135 tanker, an E-3 Sentry AWACS and 2 C-130s. I've always had a thing for the heavys. One of these days, I'd like to fly on one of those.
Looks like a C5. I got to fly in one to Saudi Arabia back in 1990. It's weird sitting backwards above all the cargo.
Spent most of the day (6 hours, or so) driving home from Pebble Beach to Fullerton, CA. Approximately 365 miles. I can almost do it in my sleep as I make the trip frequently. In fact, I will be doing it again the first of April. And I wonder why I have 96K on my '02. LOL :eek:
The pilots called the C-5 - the "Cadillac" of the Air Force... they had a AC-130 on base... I wanted to get up close but they wouldn't allow me too.. you could see the howizter cannon sticking out of the side of it... pretty cool... sitting backwards was kinda wierd, esp on take off... but it was a pretty relaxing day up in the air.. the earlier flights in the day - they got to see a mid-air refueling which would of been awesome...
I pressure cleaned, cleaned the house, cleaned the bbq in preperation for a giant bbq I am having at my house Sunday night. Gunna drink plenty of beer since I missed out yesterday.:D
JE, Air refueling is pretty cool to see. I was in the boom operator pod watching a receiver coming up for fuel. It was another KC-135. They were doing training until the B-1B's arrived to take on fuel. I've never seen another plane that close in mid-air at that altitude. Pretty sweet!

-On a side note, did you hear they just released the finalized design for the new Airman Battle Uniform for production? It'll be out next year. Check it out at af.mil.
I flew on one of those once. I've also been on a C-9 Nightingale, C-130 and KC-135. The KC-135 was a long trip, since we were escorting a squadron of A-10s from the Azores to the US. A-10s don't fly fast, so we had to hang back with them. The coolest part was when the crew allowed me to sit next to the boom operator as they refueled the A-10s over the Atlantic. That's a lot more interesting than watching an in-flight movie. :)

Today I did a lot of housework, and this evening we took my brother to Bricktown (downtown OKC) for dinner at Abuelo's. He arrived today from Roswell, NM. This is his first visit to OKC, so tomorrow we'll take him to the OKC National Memorial and show him more of the City.

I was reading in the AF times... a month ago I think... they had just about worked everything out and were waiting to finalize the BDU cover (they couldn't decided whether to keep the same style or go with the Marine style)... It looks okay... I like the no press/no starch aspect - that will save time and $$ ... from the picture though - i don't see any pockets on the sleeves... (maybe its on the other one).. but i thought they were going to put pockets there just in case the airman was wearing a combat vest/bullet proof vest... looks like production FY07 and everyone MUST have it by FY11..

I want to sit with the boom operator once.. that's gotta be a pretty cool sight - seeing an aircraft come that close... must of been an amazing sight...
JE, it is amazing to watch. That boom is so close to the windshield of those aircraft. One mistake and that boom could easily knock a plane out of the sky.

I like the new design of the ABU. I'll probably switch over this December when I get my uniform allowance. Hopefully, I'll have a new stripe to put on them too. :D
Today I installed camber adjustment kits, lowered the ST 2" all the way around, and installed my new 22" wheels & tires! Damn I'm tired!

I took my niece shopping and together we got a new teddy bear for my first nephew, who is only a week old.

I got off work at 7am, did not get home until 8am. I had to clean up the mess that was made when my boxer had her puppies yesterday. Got in bed about 9:45am slept until 4pm left the house at 6 to be at work by 7pm. can not wait until this weekend is over.
Bought a new lawnmower (Craftsman with a Honda engine -- 1 pull to start, right out of the box), mowed the grass, and then pulled the rear tires off the mustang looking for a "clunk" that occurs when driving down the road. I can also get it to do it when I push down on the rear end. I think it is the control arm bushings.... so now you know what I am doing today. :)
lets see noting as incredibely (hope thats spelt right?) cool as flying in one of those. i cleaned the house for my wife top to bottom even scrubed the floors and re-grouted the bathroom floor. then i rebuilt a sandblast tank for my job and rebuilt the inside of my toilet damn thing just decided to quit on me its only 2 months old. and finally i went out side grabbed som really hot water and washed and detailed the trac. amazing how many scratches and little dings you find when you wash it. ill be spending alot of nights at my uncles body shop repairing everything. now today sunday i will hope fully take it easy never happens though.:p
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Spent the day with 80 new teachers just finishing up their first year of teaching. Drove home in a brand new Dodge Grand Caravan (fleet car). Watched Caddyshack, SNL, and went to bed.
I pressure washed the back of the house, attended a Home Owners Association meeting, and neighborhood dinner at a local restaurant.

As an Army guy had the pleasure?!? to fly in these military aircraft:

C-7 Caribou

C-9 Nightingale

C-117D Super Gooney Bird

C-119 Flying Box Car

C-123 Provider (mini-C-130)

C-130 Hercules

CH-47 Chinook

O-2 Skymaster

OH-58 Kiowa

OH-64 Cayuse

UC-35 Citation 560

UH-1 Huey/Iroquois

UH-60 Blackhawk

Most thrilling ride: Sitting next to the side door gunner on my first Huey flight, better than any roller coaster.

Most frightening ride: 1) Aboard a Huey going into a hot LZ in RVN, 2) Aboard a Huey flying into a thunderstorm in RVN..like a leaf being blown by hurricane force wind, 3) Tactical landing in a C-7 also in RVN..like a dive bomber landing...had a cold and couldn’t clear my ears and thought my ear drums were going to burst and eyeballs were going to pop out…incoming rockets forced us to deplane out the back on the run while the aircraft was still moving.

Most uncomfortable ride: 1) RVN--sitting on the cargo skids of a C-123 and using the cargo straps to hold on during take-off and landing…no cargo just a plane full of Vietnamese refugees and a squad of muzzled patrol dogs, 2) 5 hours in full combat gear on a fully loaded C-130…no room to stretch your legs.

Longest ride: C-9 Nightingale…1st class seats facing backwards

Most comfortable ride: UC-35 with 2 other passengers cut the trip from Kosovo to Germany in half. Beat the hell out 5 previous such trips in a C-130

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I would love to own my own C-123K Provider. Really cool little transport plane.

Nelson- I'm with you. I want to get the new ABU as soon as it's available. Hopefully they'll release green steeltoed boots quickly, so I can wear it with my job.