What do I need to Cross the border.... and come back

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Tommy VanNess

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2001
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
Sorry for the way off topic, but this board has always been good to me with advice whether it is for the ST or not.

Anyway, now that I live in Seattle, a friend of mine and I are planning a snowboarding trip to Whistler this winter (Canada). He will fly here and we will drive up for 4 days. I know you need a passport if you are flying to another country, but what if you are driving to another country? Do I need a passport anyway? Any help or direction on this one is appreciated. Thanks.


EDIT:: If I need a passport, how do I go about getting one.
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I believe that you need a passport to get back into the country, go here to find a place were you can apply for a passport, <A href="http://travel.state.gov/passport/passport_1738.htmll">http://travel.state.gov/passport/passport_1738.html</A>

You can also look here for more informatino about US passports, <A href="http://travel.state.gov/passport/passport_1738.html">http://travel.state.gov/passport/passport_1738.html</A>
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Is the passport change implemented yet? Last time I went (a few years ago) all that was needed was a drivers license. I didn't think a passport was required until 2008

I also live in Seattle. Ok.. Tacoma.

I only carry my driver's license. never had a problem.

I have take my birth certificate just in case.

They just made it a policy that you have to have a Passport. You can download the form on the US Gov site. A main branch of the Post Office in your area is where you apply. It can take a few weeks to get it even if you do a rush payment option.
SST did they finally implement that policy? I know they have been talking about it for a couple years now but it hadn't happened. I cross the border here into New Brunswick all the time, normally at least once a month and never needed anything other than my drivers license for ID or my law enforcement ID when they question the lights in my truck. Off course I live a short distance from the border and I am sure when they run my license plate they see that info and also see that I cross all the time.. I did get thoroughly searched and held up an hour going into Quebec last year (oh well thats their job). The last time I went was the first of September...... As I was typing just thought might as well pick up the phone and call Custom's since I will be crossing next weekend, they told me that it is still just being talked about and that it is not required yet at least not here and he didn't think it was anywhere yet. It certainly wouldn't hurt to get a passport if you intend to cross over often. May save you some hassle and some wait even if it isn't required yet.
A friend of mine is a travel agent and told me she's pretty sure that sometime next year you'll need a passport for a DOMESTIC flight, so I should beat the line and price increase and get one now. At the end of this year passports will be needed for all travel to Canada and Mexico.
I imagine driving across the border to Canada (and back) is similar to driving across the border to Mexico (and back)...

I live in San Ysidro (South San Diego, a good tee shot from the border), and I go to Mexico all the time:D...

All I have ever had to show was my California Drivers License, and once in awhile, the car registration...

They do ask questions some times...

* What's your citizenship???

* Where were you born???

* What's your address???

I've been to secondary inspection about 5 times, and that really sucks. (especially if you are in a hurry to get back or its already taken 2 hours to get to the border gates) :angry:

Year's ago when I went I was told that a drivers license doesn't prove citizenship, you need a birth cirtificate or voters registration card for that. But a passport would be the safest to have.
Yeah i live in BC its always a hassle getting into the states for me i guess its because I'm young and usually travel with a few buddies first time i drove across the border i only had a drivers licence same with one of my passengers, i wasn't as serious as i should of been with the border guard and got flagged and had to spend an hour "proving my citizenship" way back into Canada didn't even have to show ID.

But on a side note Whistle is awesome i guarantee u will have a wicked time
I live on the Ontario Michigan border and cross the border a fair bit, so heres my take on this, and remember the passport req. is U.S. law and you will need it to get back into the States not to get into Canada.

Canada requires a passport or two forms of id, one having a photo, ie birth cert. and drivers lic.

Looks like the air one is a go in Jan, 07 and will not be changed, but after much lobbying by people on both sides of the border congress has delayed the land/sea requirements til 2009 sr so, to see if a acceptable alternative to a pass port can be found.

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