I don't believe that Hostess would have gone bankrupt had it not been for the Union strike. It was probably a choice of either accept the Unions demands and eventually go bankrupt, or refuse the Union's demands and go bankrupt now.
Unions usually don't strike against companies that are going bankrupt...they usually only want to share the wealth, so if the company is making money, the Unions feel they are entitled to more money and benefits.
I am not a big fan of Unions, and also not in favor of Executives getting bonuses when the company is either losing money or going bankrupt. In this case I think this may be the rare exception.
The Union forced the company into bankruptcy and probably left little or no options for the company executives to save the company either way.
This would not be the first time that a Union has caused a prosperus company to shut it's doors because financially they could not meet the Unions demands for more pay or benefits.
It was the Baker's Union greed that cause Hostess to go bankrupt. They went all in and called Hostess' bluff....and Hostess simply had no choice but to fold.
OK, I just saw something on the news about Hostess that may my previous post invalid.
It does indeed appear that Hostess was in financial straits and had asked workers to accept a pay cut to keep the company going. That's what the union had objected to...They were not seeking additional pay or benefits. The news article also mentioned that the company did not even have enough money to pay the full retirement entitlements to their workers??
That is WRONG and the Executives should not get any bonus until all the workers have their retirement funds restored.
Of course, they say that the Judge has allowed 19 executives to receive nearly $2 million. WRONG WRONG WRONG.