Wheel Painting Poll...Help me decide please.

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Andres Mumma

Nov 16, 2009
Reaction score
Tampa, FL
I'm trying to decide which paint scheme I like best, and thought I would run it by other ST members for your input.

I wanted to get a better feel for what it would look like than Photoshop would allow, so I painted the wheels themselves and snapped a few pics. I have these pinned on my fridge to see which option I like.

What do you all think? Take the poll and submit your Vote!

<table border="1">


<td>[Broken External Image]:</td><td>[Broken External Image]:</td><td>Option A: Black Outer Rim and Spokes</td>



<td>[Broken External Image]:</td><td>[Broken External Image]:</td><td>Option B: Black Inners</td>



<td>[Broken External Image]:</td><td>[Broken External Image]:</td><td>Option C: Stock Wheels...No Paint</td>




<form method=post action="http://poll.pollcode.com/Rop"><table border=0 width=150 bgcolor="FFFFFF" cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0><tr><td colspan=2><font face="Verdana" size=-1 color="000000"><b>Which option do you vote for?</b></font></td></tr><tr><td width=5><input type=radio name=answer value="1"></td><td><font face="Verdana" size=-1 color="000000">Option A </font></td></tr><tr><td width=5><input type=radio name=answer value="2"></td><td><font face="Verdana" size=-1 color="000000">Option B</font></td></tr><tr><td width=5><input type=radio name=answer value="3"></td><td><font face="Verdana" size=-1 color="000000">Option C</font></td></tr><tr><td colspan=2><center><input type=submit value="Vote"><input type=submit name=view value="View"></center></td></tr></table></form>


Thanks all, it will interesting to see which option wins!!


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I think the first way would be set off with some raised white letters. The second paint scheme looks just like an F-150 wheel. Maybe try the first on with just the small dimples left silver.


Do you mean something like this?

Everything painted but the scallops...

[Broken External Image]:

I could always make that Option D. Hmm.

Thanks for the input.

Yeah but you need some raised white letters. They would look really good.

Here's what they would look like all black.

[Broken External Image]:
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I've been tossing around painting all black for a while now. Was revisiting the thought again last week.
After seeing Jerry's excellent example of an all black wheel, that is certainly an option that I favor.

I wanted to see if I could play off the design elements of the wheel itself and keep a wee bit of the shiny...so far it seems most like Option B better.

We'll see in a few more days. I'm leaning towards all black...or Option B...but I can play with it a bit as well.

I washed off the paint scheme for Option A but I can build on Option B as its still on the truck. I've been letting it marinate a little on the truck to see how it strikes my fancy. I'll try as someone suggested (Opt B w/ Black Center Cap) and post a pic shortly to see how they compare.

The paint washes off fairly easily, so I can make any number of combinations till we find the right one.

Once wheel options are chosen I could have the wheels remounted with the ROWL facing out instead of in, if that will make it pop more, when I had the tires mounted I was going to black out the rims completely, along with everything else on the truck for that murdered out look.

Thanks to everyone so far, great feedback!

28 votes and counting!!


This thread needs to stop before I actually paint mine all black.
I'll probably be painting mine since the road salt found it way under the clear coat. Not sure what I'll use them on, maybe Carol's Mounty for winter but they need tires before that can happen. I might just sell them.
Ok redundant question time.

What's the best way to paint these OEM Rims? I don't feel like doing another tedious search on this forum.