Who's got some extra cash laying around? The perfect office thingy.

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Mark K 2

Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2002
Reaction score
Baldwin, WI
Own history with an authentic window from the Queen of the Skies: the Boeing 747 jumbo jet. Since its first flight on February 9, 1969, the 747 fleet has flown 3.5 billion people - the equivalent of more than half the world's population. This passenger window is from a 747-SR81 operated by All Nippon Airways from 1981 to 2006, logging 53,096 flight hours and 24,551 flight cycles. Refurbished and polished by hand, this window is one of a limited number available for private purchase at this time; it would make a striking wall display or picture frame for home or office.


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Having a window of a plane you actually flew on might be nice. One that you actually sat next to and looked out of would be fantastic. But just a generic 747 window? Not so special.

By the way, Did you notice the pair of 777 First Class seats? At only $2450.00, what a bargain. NOT! LOL
I have a friend/former co-worker at Delta that collects stuff like this. I forwarded it to him. Really expensive, though.
I have an engraved VC-25 (B-747) window from the Presidential suite of Air Force One. Any defective windows we find during depot maintenance are replaced, saved, then given out as retirement gifts.
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StadEMS3, you give out defective WIDOWS as retirement gifts?!?!?

SO MANY completely inappropriate wise cracks that could be made in response--but I better just leave well enough alone...

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