Really, wind energy and solar power are not alternatives. They're capricious. We need dependable energy production systems, that produce the same number of watts day in and day out. Not something that is useless at night, and gets impotent on a cloudy day, or produces electricity proportionate to the amount of wind.
Sorry if I was too brief. I in no way pretend that those could produce enough energy to replace our current system. I think they could help, though. I think small scale, or even just personal use, of these energy sources would be much more effective than government run (i.e. inefficient) large scale total change in infrastructure.
A person within a couple miles of me had solar panels on their house. They used less than the panels produced and got paid for putting energy into the grid. It was an expensive initial cost, but they did not have a monthly power bill at all and were actually making money. Not sure if it offset the costs, or not, though. I doubt it. Also, I think the bad storms we had last fall with bad hail storms damaged the panels. They removed them in the winter, but I haven't been back over that way and seen if they've been replaced. I'd estimate that they had them at least 10 years, though. So, I recognize that there are drawbacks, probably still cost prohibitive, but you have to recognize that technology is currently doubling every 7 years. I think they'll figure out solar panels soon enough.
I mostly agree with your thoughts on wind energy. I just threw it in there bc it does get attention and deserves a mention. I could see how a farmer in the Midwest might like to have a few on his property, though. We don't have to buy anything from China. That's an issue that boils down to our government. We are taxing and fining industry out of our country. Whole other topic, though.
I only mention Tesla because it shows that a small company can produce an alternative. Imagine if Ford or GM put significant research into it (I leave out Chrysler bc they never even really figured out internal combustion :bwahaha

. Toyota is already working with Tesla.
Fact of the matter is, though, these electric cars still get their charge from plugging in to a source that requires burning coal.
Nuclear is the way to go! It's not the same technology from the 70s.
One more note. Ethanol is just stupid. Anyone who proposes it, hasn't taken 10 seconds to think about what that would require.