Why hasn't FRANK been banned

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I don't post much, but I read a lot, and FRANK never has anything positive to say. It looks like he bashes everyone who posts. Why is he still here?

I do not think Frank has done anything thing deserving to be banned. There are many other members here that cause as much, if not more, trouble and off topic posts that Frank has posted.

If Frank should be banned, there are many others that deserve the same.

The Democratically controlled congress have enacted the "Fairness Doctrine" as a test program on this site. Frank has been counseled by ACLU lawyers on a pro-bona basis

and his rants have been deemed free speech under the 1st Amendment.

This case however, is being reviewed by many constitutional scholars at the Brookings Institute and the CATO institute. Further details will come as they are forwarded to Site Admin.....:lol:

Ha just too much time on my hands....:lol:
I don't know, I've honestly thought the same thing several times. I've yet to ever see him post anything related to a ST that I can recall, and while there's definitely a lot of people that like to argue, the instant name calling and insults he slings are really uncalled for. I'm all for freedom of speech and the right to express yourself, but I'd have given him the boot if it was my site a long time ago. As a privately owned site, that's also a right that I respect.
For some reason most people love Frank. He has so many fans it amazes me. I could care less about his rants but a lot of members here thrive on that kind of thing. I'm confused on the psychology behind that sort of interaction.

Did you see that new member introduction posted by "marc" a few days ago? OMG! Seems like if you're a confrontational/controversial a$$hole, you'll make quite a few "friends" here on the site.
people like frank feed off the attention they get by starting arguments in the posts he makes. Also by posting an insignificant thread like this is just feeding his ego. Like he is famous or something. If he bothers you, ignore him.
I tried to bring up the fact of that the name calling was out hand in several post.

I got peged with one liners that were IMO created to try and piss me off. I refuse that trap. We have a few on here that used to be informative. Now all they do is stir the pot. Even when someone is asking for trac help.

I will say that they are mostly Dems. I didnt vote either main party. Since I didnt vote for either dem or rep as have observed in IMO the dems on here are the worst ones stiring hatred. You won, be graceful. so what is your point of hatred because someone posts something against obama. So go ahead and bash me. If you want to email Todd and have me removed. Go ahead.

I can listen to opinions all day.

Start calling names and making one line staments. That are designed to irritate. That are disguised as questions. There is a real problem on this board.

I dont know if anyone remember's a member, i think his username was "Q", or i dont know, but he was so mean and always negative about everything. I remember he was here when i first joined and then he got banned like a couple months after that. Sorry, a little off topic. But i havent seen any of his posts, and UNLESS there is namecalling or threats, or any sort of way which violates any of your rights, then i think he gets to voice his opinion. Just because you might not agree with what one is saying doesnt mean he should get banned.

I dont know, just my opinion
Frank has done one thing that most others don't do here... he specifically starts threads with very, very biased information and then reverts to name calling and MIA tactics when the thread gets going.

He is a troll.

ahh live and let live..

I ignore that dope for the most part. I may say some stupid things on this forum from time to time, but nobody jumps down my neck for it.

I have had my "man card" revoked once though...:unsure:
How would this site survive without Frank? :rolleyes::p

Besides, I already bought his ma X-mas present:

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I'm not very active on this site, but you guys keep doing exactly what you're not supposed to do with someone you don't like very much. You keep talking about him. Great way to feed his ego. On another forum that I frequent much more than this one, we simply stopped talking about the offender, stopped replying to his posts, and outright ignored him. Guess what... He left after a couple of weeks.
Tom T,

If 7 other members bought him a plate he could have a real christmas dinner!

a whole set!:lol:

Good idea, thanks for the info...

I'm not very active on this site, but you guys keep doing exactly what you're not supposed to do with someone you don't like very much. You keep talking about him. Great way to feed his ego. On another forum that I frequent much more than this one, we simply stopped talking about the offender, stopped replying to his posts, and outright ignored him. Guess what... He left after a couple of weeks.

Where's the fun in that? :p
Remember that no one is so useless that they can't at least serve as a bad example. Frank or frank can hold that honorable position. Someone has to do it, so why not Frank or frank?

BTW I'm not buying him a plate! :D

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